Zozaya Arquitectos设计:墨西哥Casa Mishel 山海别墅

设计:Zozaya Arquitectos | 项目地点:墨西哥 | 类别:居住空间 | 2020-05-28 8786 83


The house is located in Zihuatanejo on a hill more than one hundred meters above sea level, so it has very privileged views of the Pacific Ocean.




The house has three levels that are staggered, adapting to the topography of the land. Therefore we created some volumetry that generated movement and play on the facades integrating very naturally into its natural context. The house is accessed through the intermediate level where the living areas are located, the user can descend to the ground floor where the bedrooms are or go upstairs to the studio.



该项目探索了将外部空间与内部空间整合在一起的想法,同时又非常灵活并且能够适应气候需求。 客厅和饭厅的开阔空间可欣赏到太平洋的美景,并与室外露台形成一个连续的空间,还可以通过滑动眼镜系统关闭并与外界天气隔离,而不会失去开阔的视觉。


The project explores the idea of integrating the exterior space with the interior and at the same time being very versatile and adaptable to the needs of the climate. The living room and dining room opens to frame the view of the Pacific Ocean and create a continuous space with the outdoor terraces, it also has the possibility of shut down with a system of sliding glasses and sealing it from the outside weather without losing the sensation of visual openness.



Traditional building materials from the region are used such as masonry and stone walls, palm beams, rustic concrete plasters, baseboards and carpets of river stone typical of the Zihuatanejo style. In addition, more contemporary materials such as steel beams and ip wood floors are implemented; consequently integration with nature is achieved by the color range of the context.


项目名称: Casa Mishel


建筑设计: Zozaya Arquitectos

主案设计师:Daniel Zozaya Valdés

设计团队:Saddam Otero, Luis Alonso, José Antonio Vázquez, Ana Karen Cadena,  Jesús López, Cesar Octavio.



项目摄影: César Belio




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