
设计:AGH年代元禾艺术设计 | 项目地点:兰州 | 类别:商业空间 | 2020-07-31 9957 65


兰州,曾作为西北工业重镇而闻名,留下了诸多著名的工业建筑。如今,作为兰州城市更新的标志性项目,兰州首座工业遗址公园——中车拾光公园及兰州中车共享城开启了工业遗址的转型新生。 高耸的烟囱、全钢结构的旧厂房,以及机车零部件等工业元素均得以保留,斑驳的轨道,更成为连接着过去与未来的记忆之锁。

Northwest China, a landlocked region in China, is home to the heavy industry in China and equally one of the cradles of Chinese civilisation. Lanzhou is a major hub for petrochemical industry in Northwest China, and conceivably, it has preserved the legacy of timeworn industrial buildings-high chimneys, structural steels, automobile parts, rusty lanes, and all the stuffs about the industry-generating a consistency of the past and the current.

展示区建筑采用钢构架,以交错的斜坡顶和大面的玻璃幕墙为基底,加之手工垒砌红砖墙面,既当代又工业。 室内设计遵循建筑特点,通过解构与演变,将空间与功能,空间与建筑,空间与景观相融合。

CRRC Shiguang park is an iconic project geared towards bringing a Renaissance to Lanzhou city. The park has an exhibition zone, which is characterised by glass curtain walls and overall steel structure. With a slope top and redbrick walls, the zone manifestly take on a contemporary and industrial look.


The reception area is built on a basis of white and black, the ceiling in pure white, the floor full black, and there is a woody note to give a sense of warmth in there. The wall is in dark gray with the shape of flowing water bearing an obvious comparison with the floor. The contrasting colours are reminiscent of the vast expanse of plains in Northwest China.


The centre of the park lies in the old factory whose elevation falls in the range from 3.8m to 8.2m. The expansive space of it is susceptible to natural light filling in, through the agency of the vertical height, designers utilise the point light to light the whole space up and massive French windows and roof windows could assist in diffusing more light.

金属铁丝网的艺术装置与建筑外观相呼应,视觉上则更加轻盈通透。 斜屋顶上的天窗边沿是15米长的巨大书柜,可追随一天的日影,体验开阔空间的尺度。

Its interiors celebrate the combination of deconstructionism and revolution, conducive to gaining access to making the space multi-functional. In terms of the embellishments inside, there is a metal web to beautify the space. Besides it, there is a 15m-long bookshelf beneath the skylight, which offers an opportunity to the shelf allowing its shadow to elongate or shrink during the day.



With the theme being about modernity and sleekness, AGH would like to add a rheme of calmness and reservedness to it, therefore design is performing a coordination between supple decors and rigid style, without any amount of disruption of the consistency.





主创设计:夏洋 刘露 





Project Info:

Location: Lanzhou,Gansu Province, China

Design agency: AGH Art Design

Designer-in-charge: Xia Yang & Liu Lu

Decorating agency: Esperluette Design

Site area: 820m2

Completion date: May 2020

Photographer: Prism Images





About AGH 

AGH is a stickler for equating design with service. It places a premium on the acute awareness of providing good service to the clients and makes a promise to shoulder full responsibility for the upshots of design missions. It goes into effort to implement what it has been commissioned as soon as possible. In terms of its designs, invariably, AGH invests humanity with them producing a gratifying end result to the clients.



创始人 夏洋 / 设计总监 刘露




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