JLa设计集团:感悟自然之诗 - 郑州保利天汇设计

设计:JLa设计集团 | 项目地点:郑州 | 类别:商业空间 | 2020-12-01 11381 107


A journey in this field of energy



To feel the space spirit by heart


The guiding of light change


The life flowing with vitality




01.游历“旷奥” 之境:空间哲学思辨

Speculation on Space Philosophy:



This is a place for an enjoyable experience and speculation on conversation.  


JLa 设计集团带着 “旷奥” 的空间哲学思辨,将这售楼部空间建成一个现代建筑与自然环境对话的美学体验馆。穿行其间,感受空间的收与放、隐与亮,动与静,驻足停留之际,不自觉的思考,缓缓展开。

With the philosophy of Kuang Ao” (Spacious and Deep), JLa Design Group makes this sales center an aesthetic museum to experience and initiate a dialogue between modern architecture and natural environment. We can perceive the space for its tension of retracting and releasing, shadow and light, dynamics and silence 



It enjoys an excellent geographical background, with exceptional natural waterscape and greenery. Wood to the ceiling at the entrance, it is a response to the outdoor environment. Further with the steady black color to the stone wall in white, it generates a sense of modernity that goes through the whole space.




人的视线随着光的指引落在前台接待处,艺术品中获取灵感,结合场域外部水系的情感语境,幻化无穷的 “水”,被瞬间凝固,自然以一种美学姿态呈现。

Following the light, we naturally set our sight on the reception desk. Inspired by the works of art, and the rich expression of water environment, the design interprets “water” in an aesthetic way by freezing its natural beauty.

建筑结构高低错落,疏密有致,连续的回廊及延伸的墙,形成一个个幽深的空间,是为 “奥”。

The building structure brights rich height difference and space density variety, with continuous corridors and extended walls, it further helps to shape deep space with mystery, which is "Ao".



—— 唐·柳宗元《永州龙兴寺东丘记》

Those in quest of interesting scenery take delight chiefly in two kinds of view: the expanse and spaciousness of the open view, and the immediate impact and hidden mysterious of the confined view, and that is all.

——《Record of East Mount at Longxing Temple in Yongzhou》by Liu Zongyuan (Tang Dynasty)

大圆天窗可直视天空,超长玻璃幕墙视野开阔,外部自然之光随之引入空间内,舒畅开放,生成 “旷” 的体验,奇妙有趣。连续的 “旷” 与 “奥” 交替结合,空间之 “气” 便活了起来,气韵生动,观者游历其间,情绪随之流动。

It designs a large circular skylight to allow looking-through directly to the sky, and a wide open vision through the ultra-long glass curtain wall. It introduces natural light from outside into the space inside, making it cozy and open, to generate a wonderful and interesting experience of the spacious. The constant interacting of "Kuang" (the spacious experience ) and “Ao" (the deep vision) , it gifts "qi" (the breath ) to the space, making it come to life with lively atmosphere. While inside this space, one can feel the motions flowing within.


这超出了一个常规售楼空间的表达范畴,挑高的中空庭院廓然开朗,使空间场域顿时立体化,游历者仿佛走进剧场的舞台中央,体会设计所打造的 “旷奥” 空间思辨。

It is beyond the expression of a conventional sales center. The void courtyard is fully open, endowing the space with three-dimensional sense. Feels like walking into the center stage, one has a wonderful experience to perceive the design philosophy  of "Kuang Ao" , the speculation of space.


Admiring Source of Light



If you make a plaza, you will have another facade to the sky.—— Louis Isadore Kahn





Falling down from the roof along the curved, the light looks like waterfall. With the soft light from the oval roof shaped by the arc void courtyard, it reveals a warm and silent atmosphere.







“Where am I?”

“Please follow the light.”

整面弧形乳白色墙体,成了大自然光影艺术的创作画布。“水” 在此处变化成雨滴,与天井之光合奏着自然的诗歌。

The whole curved wall in milky white makes it the canvas for natural light and shadow do the art painting. Here, "water" is expressed as raindrops,  concerting a natural poem and song together with the light from the patio in a harmonies way.



弧形天花另一端,“水” 形态再次变幻,似是雨滴聚集成一片浮云。飘于空中,等待着游历者在旅程中相遇。

In the other end of the arc ceiling, "water" is expressed in a different way, like raindrops gathered into a floating cloud. Floating in the air, it waits to meet passers-by in their journey.



It leaves large area of “blank white” on the wall by the staircase from the first floor to the second. The cylinder in the middle stands right straight into the sky, with no ornament at all, but creates strong contrast between the solid and the intangible from the glass rail on the second floor corridor.

石梯螺旋上升思绪逐层撕开,留白可使视觉暂时关掉,想象力占据上风,对空间的期待加剧。触觉也调动起来,从石墙直接 “切割” 出来的楼梯扶手,被指尖触碰的一刻,石材的灵魂被唤醒,世界另一角落的生命能量被激活。

With the stone spiral staircase going up step by step, it gradually peels off the thoughts layer by layer. The “blank white” shuts the sight off, but turns the imagination on, which raises the expectation of space. The sense of touch is also activated to wake up our soul.



二层过道以连续的墙作围合与隔断,形成蜿蜒的动线,空间的 “气” 得以聚拢、收藏。

It makes use of the continuous corridor wall on the second floor to shape enclosed and partition. With the elegant winding line, it allows the “qi” (the breath) of the space to be taken in and collected.




二层大堂中空以 “桥” 相连,木饰面带来温和与亲切感,两侧全透明玻璃,使得自上而下的光线畅通无阻地穿透整个场域,也使这一局部空间的 “墙” 变得无形,游历者,成为了风景的一部分。

The void on the second floor lobby is bridged for connection. The application of wood finish brings warmth and intimacy, and full transparent glass on the both sides allows the light from top to bottom and through the whole field with no obstacles. All of the design approaches make the "wall"  in this place become invisible, making the passers-by part of the scenery themselves.



03.时空流转:万物生长 万物皆光源

Everything is Source of  Light



All material in nature, the mountains and the streams and the air and we, are made of Light which has been spent, and this crumpled mass called material casts a shadow, and the shadow belongs to Light. 

—— Louis Isadore Kahn 路易斯·康 

—— Louis Isadore Kahn




The light does not shine directly on the art installation, but from all directions into the space. It looks as if the art installation itself can glow, which seizes the attention of the passers-by to stop, gaze and think: What kind of world are we really in?







This is a place full of rhythm of growing and flowing. It makes the indoor and outdoor landscape interact with each other, and makes the space inside and outside an integrity, with full floor glass to introduce the natural environment in.



Here we are in the midst of the space, we become part of the slow but majestic sequence of time and space, with a strong feeling of the growing power and its light.


It extends the tone of warmth and steady by applying wood finish and stone material. It lets the light through better by applying color of cream white in large area and glass-made tea table, which unfold and  reveal a new dialogue. 



By distant of one wall, on top of the mock-up, through the clear ceiling, it unveils the sky: a picturesque of lively nature as clouds rolling and unrolling.  



In the circulation of time and space, we are dust, and a river; We are a particle of light, and a thread of life light.



“Where am I going?”





Once into Zhengzhou City Gather, one seems to reach another dimension: a world where light never end. Every time some one steps into this space,he/she perceives its beauty and composes himself/herself a new poem.




A journey, is an exploration


A dialogue to oneself, to space, and to nature


Feel the breathing, take the light


Gather the power, to the site


The art of space

便在此间升华Then sublime







项目名称 |  保利 天汇 体验馆

项目地址 |  河南 郑州

业主单位 |  郑州隆顺置业有限公司(河南保利发展)

面    积 |  874.8㎡

竣工时间 |  2020 年 8 月

设计公司 |  JLa设计集团

设计总监 |  刘家耀 

主创设计 |  余秋霞

设计团队 |  熊娟  关家俊 赖傲敏 陈铭茼 卢丽怡

软装设计 |  LSD Interior Design

摄影机构 |  骏尔工作室 / A.J studio

               一千度视觉 / ONE THOUSAND DEGREES


Project Name: Zhengzhou Poly City  Gather

Location:Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China  

Client:Poly Group

Area:979 sq.m

Time of Completion:August, 2020  

Design Company:JLa Design

Design Director:Melody Lau

Main Designer:Ailsa Yu

Design Team: Xiong Juan, Guan Jiajun, Lai Aomin, Chen Mintong, Lu Liyi

FF&E Design:LSD Interior Design

Photographer: A.J studio ONE THOUSAND DEGREES

Material: Cement Stone, Wood Finish, Steel Panel, Wood Floor




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