Studio Saar:为拉贾斯坦邦乌代布尔当地社区推出新的探索中心设计
© Hayes Davidson
Studio Saar has unveiled its designs for a learning and cultural centre in Udaipur, Rajastan, for not-forprofit client Dharohar, which runs science related workshops, programmes and projects in schools and public spaces. Third Space: The Haveli of Curiosity will be a home for learning and exploration for all ages and will house leisure, cultural and educational programmes, providing world class facilities forformal and informal learning, socialising and performing arts.
Dharohar 每年与 30 到 40 所学校合作,促进支持学生学术学习的项目以及提供课外丰富的内容。该组织遵循建构主义和体验式理念来帮助学生发展,并且秉持人们应该在一生中不断学习的核心信念,还为企业志愿者提供额外的专业技能,因为他们支持学生深入了解新的思维方式。 Dharohar 怀揣着将其作品带出课堂并进入公共空间的雄心,与 Studio Saar 合作开发了 Third Space Mini;一个 1,700 平方英尺的购物中心空间,团队在那里测试了各种活动,并与目标受众举办了共同创作研讨会,以告知和完善实体建筑的简介。在原型成功之后,Studio Saar 被任命设计一个高质量的中心,该中心可以通过成为学校课程的重要延伸来支持 Dharohar 所做的重要工作,帮助培养其员工并鼓励其团队激励游客,同时使其能够扩大其工作规模,以建立多代学习者社区。
Dharohar works with 30 to 40 schools each year, facilitating programmes that support student’s academic learning as well as providing extra-curricular enrichment. The organisation follows a constructivist and experiential philosophy to help students develop, and, with a core belief that people should continue to learn throughout their life, also equips volunteers from businesses with additional professional skills as they support students to dive into new ways of thinking. With an ambition to take its work beyond the classroom and into public spaces, Dharohar worked with Studio Saar to develop Third Space Mini; a 1,700 sq ft space in a shopping mall, where the team tested out various activities and held co-creation workshops with target audiences to inform and refine the brief for a physical building. Following the success of the prototype, Studio Saar was appointed to design a high-quality centre that could support the important work that Dharohar does by becoming a crucial extension to its schools’ programmes, help to nurture its employees and encourage its team to inspire visitors, while enabling it to increase the scale of its work to build multi-generational communities of learners.
© Hayes Davidson
拟议的方案被设计为年轻人的“第三空间”; 一个没有界限或等级的环境,不是“学校”或“家”,在那里他们将能够探索自己的兴趣并参与多样化的实践活动,以更好地了解世界及其在其中的位置 。
The proposed scheme is designed as a ‘third space’ for young people; an environment without boundaries or hierarchy which will not be the ‘school’ or the ‘home’, where they will be able to explore their interests and engage in diverse, hands-on activities to better understand more about the world and their place in it.
为了提供许多当地儿童无法使用的设施,该中心将提供范围广泛的活动、讲习班和实验室、电影放映和讲座的剧院,还将设有咖啡馆、商店和商店。 一旦开放,它每天将接待多达 2,000 名游客,还将满足随行成年人的需求和兴趣。
With the aim of providing facilities that are not otherwise accessible to many local children, the centre will offer a broad range of activities, workshops and laboratories, a theatre for film screenings and talks and will also house a café, shop and store. Once open, it will host up to a 2,000 visitors a day and will also accommodate the needs and interests of accompanying adults.
© Hayes Davidson
开放性、可访问性和包容性是该中心的总体目标,通过仔细的细节设计,该建筑将推动培养这些特征。 结果将是提供一个免费的、不受限制的空间,这将使游客和工作人员之间产生好奇、创造力和社区感,迎合不同的游客群体。
Openness, accessibility, and inclusivity are the overarching ambitions for the centre and through careful detailing the architecture will push to foster these characteristics. The outcome is set to be the provision of a free, unrestricted space which will enable a sense of curiosity, creativity and community between visitors and staff alike, catering for diverse visitor groups.
The building will reflect its purpose and spirit in its internal spaces as well as in its external appearance and structure. The proposal draws inspiration from traditional havelis where spaces are organised around a central courtyard. This courtyard will be surrounded by cloisters that will be kept cool through extensive use of thermal mass.Internally, the positioning of trees will be reminiscent of the trees found in traditional urban Indian contexts and will act as wayfinding for visitors. The formal arrangement of projecting gokhada on the building envelope will draw people to the building edge and provide small, playful cantilevered rooms for reading, meeting and relaxing.
© Hayes Davidson
当地的白色大理石将被水射流切割以创建贾利通风屏风和突出的捕风器,创造一种深深植根于其环境的外部美感,而蒸发冷却塔将被动地冷却内部空间。 大理石边角料将用于制作地砖,也将用于底层的砖石墙,而废弃的大理石粉尘将用于减少混凝土混合物中的水泥和沙子含量,从而使饰面更白。
Local white marble will be water-jet cut to create jali ventilation screens and projecting wind catchers, creating an external aesthetic deeply rooted to its context, while an evaporative cooling tower will passively cool internal spaces. Marble off-cuts will be used to create floor tiles and will also be used in the masonry wall on the ground floor while waste marble dust will be used to reduce cement and sand content in the concrete mix resulting in a whiter finish.
© Hayes Davidson
The roof top garden and play spaces will be shaded with a tensile fabric and steel system, limiting the use of concrete in the building, and a white colour palette to help to reflect the sun’s heat. This efficient use of material creates a playful sustainable detail that symbolises the centre’s ethos to “live curious”.
© Hayes Davidson
第三空间并不打算成为一座孤立的建筑,它的活动、项目和课程将与位于道路另一边的 50 公顷的重新造林的丛林相连。 这种整合将提供深入了解自然、监测动植物群的机会,最重要的是将社区与维持它们的生态系统联系起来。
Third Space is not intended to be a building in isolation, its activities, programmes and curriculum will be connected to 50 hectares of reforested jungle, located on the other side of the road. This integration will provide deep-rooted opportunities to learn about nature, to monitor flora and fauna and most importantly connect the community with the ecosystem that sustains them.
Studio Saar 的 Jonny Buckland 说:“到目前为止,在第三空间工作一直是一个令人难以置信的令人兴奋和有益的旅程。我们在设计过程的各个阶段都与客户密切合作,以开发一个对游客和员工都有吸引力的空间 “从拉贾斯坦邦的建筑遗产中汲取灵感并自由地重新构想它是一种乐趣。我们面临的一个关键挑战是解释这个复杂的概要,并能够将多种用途结合成一个单一的连贯建筑。”
Jonny Buckland of Studio Saar says: “Working on Third Space has been an incredibly exciting and rewarding journey so far. We’ve worked closely with the client at all stages of the design process to develop a space that will appeal to visitors and staff alike. It was a joy to draw inspiration from architectural heritage of Rajasthan andhave the freedom to reimagine it. A key challenge for us was interpreting this complex brief and being able to bind the multiple uses into a single coherent building.”
Dharohar的Shivani Singhal说:“Saar工作室的设计过程推动了我们对游客需求的思考;它让我们意识到一个空间可以如何改变人们的学习体验,以及我们如何设计和传递我们想要提供的体验。整个团队都很兴奋地看到,随着建筑的发展,我们最初的想法变成了有形的形式,看到我们的性格和价值观是如何建立在柱子和横梁上的。我们迫不及待地想要开第三空间,在一个每一寸空间都能反映我们愿景的空间里工作。我们的游客将会在这座奇妙的建筑中度过一段不可思议的时光。”
Shivani Singhal of Dharohar says: “The design process with Studio Saar has pushed our thinking on what our visitors need; it has built our awareness of how a space can change someone’s learning experience, and how we can design and deliver the experiences we want to provide. The whole team has been so excited to see our nascent ideas turning into physical form, as the building develops, andseeing how our character and values have been built right in to the pillars and beams. We can’t wait to open Third Space and work in a space where every inch of the space reflects our vision. Our visitors are going to have an incredible time exploring this wonderful building“.
平面图© Studio Saar