
设计:goa大象设计 | 项目地点:杭州 | 类别:商业空间 | 2022-01-04 7270 103



Industrial Relics and Urban Memory


The development of Xizi Wisdom Industrial Park originated from the relocation of Hangzhou's urban industries. Since 2008, "Hangzhou Boiler Factory", the representative of the industrial cluster in the north of Hangzhou, has moved from the factory site in the urban area, which had been entrenched for 60 years, to Dingqiao Town, then a suburb. With the rapid development of the city, the farmland and factories in Dingqiao have been gradually replaced by large-scale residential areas, and the living atmosphere has grown stronger. The large area of land occupied by the Hangzhou Boiler Factory in Dingqiao no longer meets the development of the area and the living needs of the people.



Since 2015, the Hangzhou Boiler Factory in Dingqiao and its surrounding plot of about 21.5 hectares have successively carried out new development plans to realize the transformation of space and industry. The production line of the boiler factory will be relocated to Chongxian, and the old factory will become an "industrial relic". The old factory and its surrounding land will be developed into a "Wisdom Industrial Park" and become an important part of the Dingqiao Wisdom Town. GOA has successively undertaken phase III projects in this transformation process.


02 杭锅东兴路厂区(1958-2013)及丁桥厂区(2008-2019)Hangzhou Boiler Factory in Dongxin Road 1958-2013 and in Dingqiao 2008-2019 ©杭锅集团.png



The design tasks include the renewal scheme of the old building of Hangzhou Boiler Factory in Dingqiao and the new construction scheme of the surrounding stock land. The challenges faced by architects can be summarized into two aspects: one is to avoid the homogenization and suburbanization of large-scale "industrial parks" and return to a kind of "urbanity" in space; the other is to properly formulate the renewal strategy of the old factory, and strive to continue the old industrial memory while improving the land value.



Master Plan: A Diverse and Comprehensive Community


How should the industrial park located in the outer ring of the city move closer to "urbanity"? In the past, the "industrial" space was fully integrated with the city and existed in the "complex" mode of integrating work and residence, providing living facilities for employees in the factory and surrounding residents. The state of industry and city integration embodied in this "complex" model still has implications for the moment.



Based on this reflection, the architect put forward the goal of the overall planning: "it is not limited to providing an industrial container, but integrating multiple functions into one, so as to shape a comprehensive community." The focus is on abundant functions, appropriate scale, and moderate density.


03 分期状况 3 Phases ©goa大象设计.jpg



The whole 21.5 hectares of land is constructed in three phases, with extremely abundant functional business forms. The first phase is constructed on the land on the north side of the old factory, which accommodates R&D buildings, creative offices, art centers, etc.; the second phase is the renewal of the old factory, which accommodates the warehouse store, centralized commerce and parking building through functional regeneration; the third phase is constructed on the west side of the old factory, building it into a certain reserved supporting house.


04 园区概念剖面 Conceptual section drawing ©goa大象设计.jpg



With the square in front of the Art Center as the core, the L-shaped public axis outlines the skeleton of the entire park. The horizontal axis extends to the east entrance of the Park through the public street, and the north-south axis leads southward into the centralized commerce in the old factory, connecting the southern commercial plaza in series. The L-shaped public axis is completely open to surrounding residents and serves as the active line for commerce and other public activities. It connects the newly-built area and the factory plot, and is also the main interface between the industrial park and the city.


05 总平面图 Masterplan ©goa大象设计.jpg

06 园区鸟瞰(厂房更新及西地块尚未完成时)Overview of the park ( the renewal of the factory and the west parcel haven't completed)©shiromio studio.jpg



Relying on this structure, the 21.5-hectare park is embedded in the urban landscape with an interactive manner, and it itself has become a close complex.


Factory Renewal: Function Replacement and Vitality Regeneration


The renewal of the old buildings of Hangzhou Boiler Factory is the focus of the construction of the entire park. The original factory covers an area of about 42,000 square meters. It is a portal steel structure industrial building with a history of nearly 10 years before being abandoned. The factory structure itself does not have outstanding historical value, but the industrial memory behind "Hangzhou Boiler Factory" is worth continuing.


07 旧厂房原状 Original state of old factory ©杭锅集团.png



The architect proposed two strategies. First, put commercial formats and basic supporting facilities into the old factory to stimulate land value and serve the surrounding areas; second, change the "scale" while retaining the industrial architectural atmosphere, so as to make it a truly pleasant commercial space.


08 厂房更新概念 Factory renewal concept  ©goa大象设计.jpg




The design scheme retains the existing steel structure and column span, focusing on functional replacement and skin reconstruction. The built-in functions include a Sam's Club of approximately 20,000 square meters, a centralized commercial area of 30,000 square meters, and a parking building of 27,000 square meters. The original color steel plate roof was updated to a reddish-brown metal roof. A zigzag skylight system with a 12-meter module was established through the “cutting-folding” method. The folded plate shape on the facade forms a virtual and real rhythm to improve the monotonous and lengthy appearance of the existing factory along the street.




At the main pedestrian entrance of the building, the cantilevered metal folded plate becomes an iconic canopy, which is separated and contrasted with the square box commercial massing. All formal language operations shall strictly abide by the length, width and height control line of the old factory without breaking through the original contour.



The centralized commerce has absorbed the commercial layout method of the terminal building, covering the scattered commercial boxes at the lower part with a complete large roof, blending the modern commercial atmosphere with the spatial characteristics of industrial buildings.


17 旧厂房更新屋顶平面图 Roof Plan ©goa大象设计.jpg



R & D Park: An organic industrial garden


At present, the phenomenon of "suburbanization" of industrial parks can be explained as homogeneous buildings, unbalanced scales, cold space atmosphere and so on. In the Xizi Wisdom Industrial Park project, architects tried to achieve a more organic state in terms of public space pattern, architectural form and landscape level as an exploration of the "urbanity" of industrial space.



The environmental architecture of the Park is intertwined with the garden. The garden is like cells of different sizes, with capillary-like pedestrian paths connected in series. The scale of the compound courtyard is extended according to the basic rule of 50 square meters, and organic forms such as square, oval, and L shape reflect the atmosphere of different courtyards. Pedestrians and vehicles in the park are divided, and the walking space scale is hierarchical, followed by a 15m wide commercial street, a 4m park main road, and a 2m garden path. Below the second floor of the building, a corridor and canopy provide gray space to meet people's staying needs.


18 功能轴侧图 Functional layout in axonometric view ©goa大象设计.jpg

19 园区掠影 a glance of the park ©shiromio studio.jpg



There are buildings of different shapes between the gardens. The high-rises are located along the street and are R&D centers and intelligent manufacturing centers. The five-story independent R&D headquarters and the lower creative offices are located on the inside, forming high and low levels in space.



The architectural form is based on the principle of "seeing diversity in unity", and each group is different. The buildings on both sides of the L-shaped public axis adopt warm brown tones to enhance the public space atmosphere. Among them, the art center uses the same reddish-brown perforated aluminum plate as the facade of the factory, and the wrapped diamond-like shape becomes a visual focus.


20 艺术中心 Art Center ©shiromio studio.jpg

21 艺术中心 Art Center ©shiromio studio.jpg



The single R & D headquarters adopts reddish brown integrated board. This facade material is light, flexible and easy to maintain, which is suitable for the use needs of R & D activities; At the same time, it can realize the texture and warmth similar to brick.




The high-level cluster accommodates more large-scale R & D and intelligent manufacturing activities. In order to dispel much of the chilling anonymity of industrial buildings, the building does not adopt a unified and standardized facade, but reflects the personality of the building with different facade practices. From straight and capable vertical lines to horizontal lines full of tension, it provides positioning and identification for the places in the park.




The facade component absorbs the construction experience of other types of buildings and pays attention to establishing the relationship with people's perception at a delicate scale. Under the large division, the second and third levels are established with fine metal parts. Canopy and other elements become the expressive elements in the architectural appearance.





31 园区鸟瞰 Overview of the park ©shiromio studio.jpg



On the stock of industrial land, architects, developers and the government work together to balance the development of economic interests, the continuation of place context and the realization of public interests, so as to realize a comprehensive community. With the deepening of urbanization, the development process of this area is still being written.


32 园区使用场景集锦 Scenes of the park ©goa大象设计.jpg





建筑面积:310,000 ㎡

建筑摄影:goa大象设计,shiromio studio




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