
设计:ORIA和睿设计 | 项目地点:成都 | 类别:商业空间 | 2022-03-29 8388 68





Supersession and superimposition, are probably two best annotations in regards to the growth of an urban space. The evolution of a city is based on the constant change of its inhabitants’daily living requests. It is the positive answer to the space and the lives happening in it, it is also the combination of the past and the future. As architect, we are willing to see scenes as such in every urban renovation project.










Vanke · Urban Vitality Pavilion is transformed from the former government-owned Hongguang Electronic Diode Factory located in Eastern Suburban Memoir in Chengdu. The Memoir is currently a multi-cultural park integrating music, fine arts, drama, photography and other cultural forms, and a tourist destination featuring industrial heritages.The foundation of the pavilion is an outdated 1950s industrial building located on the southwest corner of the site. The original envelope had lost its original aesthetics due to the lack of maintenance. The building was made of two parts with different floor heights, which leads to an ununified façade language. In addition its smoke grey tone had created a huge gap between the building and the rest of the cluster mainly decorated in brown brick.


As the cultural heritage site, since 2014 the renovation and fixation of the Eastern Suburban Memoir has been strictly restricted: any adjustments on the facades must be kept reversable. Thus it has become a crucial subject on how to create a vital, superimposed space with the extension of both the old and the new.

01 包裹与透明






This renovation project emphasizes coexistence, the key of which is to preserve and protect the existing building. From an aesthetic perspective, the building's original mottled facade textures might seem to be too old to be retained. Nevertheless, considering its attribute as a listed heritage building and the profound cultural context of Eastern Suburban Memoir, the best renovation solution would be to cleanse and maintain the existing facade, then to install modern display window for the purpose of protection and display.





为此,在现存建筑外表面之外我们新建了一个镂空金属幕墙,赋予它新的建筑形象。这个幕墙实际上拥有独立的结构体系,并不和原有建筑结构发生强联系,仅仅与有着局部点对点的搭接关系,也就是说,通过这个外载幕墙结构的处理,我们首先实现了对建筑本体的有效保护 —— 保证了原建筑修缮工程的可逆性。

The perforated metal curtain system was mounted to cover the existing building exteriors, thus creating a new architectural figure.The curtain wall system owns an individual structural system, which leased the rigid connection between itself and the original envelope, instead it connects only at certain structural points. Through the point connection we have created an effective protection to the original envelope and achieved its reversibility as per the requirements.



第二点是在于对建筑原风貌的展示,透过这个玻璃和镂空金属格栅组成的幕墙,我们可以很清晰的看到建筑的原表面 —— 历史建筑以一种新的姿态在此地继续生长。

The second point is the presentation of the original architectural language. By using the transparent and perforated material, the visitors could easily grasp the original surface shown behind the additional layer – the history grows in a new container.


02 材质选择和模块幕墙

幕墙外表皮的基本单元是一个20*60的铝格栅,形式如砖,而红砖又是东郊记忆的一个很深厚的文化元素,我们用此表达文化的在地性; 如果从正面观察格栅与格栅之间类似于砖形态的空隙,就可以看见原建筑的斑驳立面,两种不同材质的对比,体现了时间在这座建筑上的流淌。




The vertical louvres applied the dark brown colour which was a mimic of the colour of the old bricks that reflected the flow of time. Due to the separation between the new envelope and the original building, the structure for the new façade had to be thick enough, which became another signature of the pavilion – the comparison between the thick structure and the delicate louvres had signified the evolution of the history and a special period of time.




Considering the construction time and precision, all the louvre units were pre-fabricated as 1.5m x 4.2m modules and installed on site. The method massively increased the construction efficiency, simultaneously minimized the construction difficulties.


03 边界的开放及模糊





To bring the vitality back into the space, the first task of the design was look at the human-scale design. The open corner facing the public road indicates an open architectural envelope that allows the immersion of the outer space into the indoor area. The delicate façade detail is thus revealed due to the close contact with the visitors.





At the entrance area, the open seam method was applied on the inner side of the façade. In order to meet the water proof requirements, the façade needs to be sealed, thus glue on the top and outer surface and open seam on the inner surface were applied collaboratively.

At the top of the entrance, the sloped profile and edge gutter were jointly applied to guarantee the visual appearance.




The façade system has finished the primary wrap of the original building frame, the landscape in sequence formed the secondary finish. By using white coloured frame, the outer space was reframed and redefined, combined with the ground level open façade, an activity space with ambiguous boundary between inside and outside was hence created. Simultaneously through the additional green interface, the civic utility road was effectively shielded outside of the activity space. The semi-open transitional space, together with the minimalism street furniture, has provided a peaceful space that is relaxing enough to stop people passing-by.






At night, with the join of the warm light, the architecture shows a comfortable atmosphere together with the landscape, that brings back the feeling of the old Chengdu street, on which you can stop-by, sit and chat.


04 展示:生长的内容和面对未来的故事




To build a pavilion on a significant history site, it would not merely be an outstanding individual existence, on the contrary, we would expect it to `grow` in the urban space, as initially mentioned, to echo the spirit of supersession and superimposition not only in architecture language, but also in business strategies.


The project aims to create a superimposed urban space with the old and the new. The growing corner, defined the basic language of the project. It is growing into a space that was built on the basis of the past culture, a space that meets both the basic life requirements and the pursue of the art and self-improvement.



新旧对比,内容置入,建筑内外的新生气息,这一切,都让城市生长馆作为历史建筑重新产生城市生活价值。整体稳重的外立面色调暗含内部的鲜活功能,这就是我们对于东郊这一工业基地的理解,是对过往的尊重,也是对未来的期许 —— 一种历史和现实的共存共生。


The comparison between the old and the new, the intervention of the contents, the refreshed atmosphere in both inner and outer space, all these elements have contributed to the life value of the pavilion, as part of the significant history site on the east side. The solemn façade together with the vital inner space, has formed our understanding towards the renovation of the industrial site- to respect the past and expect the future, a harmony co-existence of the history and reality.







建筑设计:上海和睿规划建筑设计有限公司 / 团队:陈涵非、吴文博、郭冬晴、周楚








  • ORIA和睿设计:成都万科·城...


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