
设计:三厘社(TRIOSTUDIO) | 项目地点: | 类别:餐饮空间 | 2022-06-30 6330 116

空间外立面设计 Space Facade Design.jpg

空间概览 Space overview     .jpg

空间概览 Space overview.jpg


The Victorian era (1837-1901) was the peak of the British Industrial Revolution and the British Empire, and it belonged to the era of national inventors and adventurers. The diversity created by the collision of the classical sense of palace and the modern sense of the industrial revolution has a unique charm. With a longing for this familiar and unfamiliar era, the manager of the Ting-tang bar invited TRIOSTUDIO to design the bar space as a whole.

散座区 breakout area.jpg

连贯有致的立面风格 Coherent façade style .jpg

空间细节 Space details   .jpg



Ting-tang is located in Huadengfang, Jiangdong Middle Road, Nanjing City. As a compound leisure bar specializing in wine, the professional brand positioning of the hall is in line with the needs and renewal of the new consumption format in the new urban CBD. In such a space, in addition to the functions of wine sales and bar leisure, the design team actively cooperates with the business demands of the principal, and chooses the layout of "bar + sales + performance" as the core strategy. In the wine sales area, the core module - jazz live performance is embedded, and the seats and functional areas are arranged around the core area of the performance. The classic performance form of the jazz trio makes the field temperament of the entire space more elegant and agile.

建筑感的空间装饰  Architectural space decoration.jpg

卡座区细节 Space details.jpg


爵士三重奏现场演出时发出“TING TING TANG TANG”的声响,巧妙地暗合“厅堂”的中文发音,也契合了“把空间打造成为独特而精致的社交港湾”的品牌愿景。

The jazz trio made a sound of "TING TING TANG TANG" when performing live, which subtly coincides with the Chinese pronunciation of "Ting-tang", and also fits with the brand vision of "making the space a unique and exquisite social harbor".

装置与空间的关系 The relationship between installation and space.jpg


Starting from the texture of the space, the design team drew inspiration from the architectural style of the Victorian period, followed the appropriate order and architectural sense in the form of a cross axis in the square layout, and emphasized the coherence and partial decoration of the spatial level. The arched roof frame is created without the advantage of the floor height, and the unique style of the space is enhanced by the beauty of the structure. Between viewing and shuttle, guests walk on the edge of rationality and sensibility, as if they are slightly drunk in the hall, reliving an era of centuries ago.

多元化的卡座形式 Diversified deck forms .jpg

空间细节 Space details  .jpg



In the center of the bar space, the hand-cranked row-shaped fan-shaped metal device is the core of the design, and the slender and gorgeous decorative architectural elements are integrated into the old Victorian bar. While becoming the core of design and vision, it also builds a highly iconic scene, making the space a highlight of brand communication, bringing interest and topicality to Ting-tang.

拱顶结构演化 Dome structure evolution.gif



The overall material of the space is based on the retro style tone, and the multiple mix and match of metal, leather and wood presents a unique and delicate texture in the space frame. The local warm color lighting stimulates the gorgeous atmosphere of classical furniture, and injects the temperament of the Renaissance into the space between the vaulted structures.

空间形态生成 Spatial morphogenesis.gif



Geometric arcs, vaults and lattice windows, inverting the interesting spatial relationship between inside and outside, allows the free spirit in the construction to flow lightly, people are immersed in the coherent space, and the secret halls explored lead like-minded guests.

空间平面图 Space plan.jpg



In the happy hour of Ting-tang, you can briefly get away from reality, and feel the last glory of the classical peak from the jazz sing and the glass of wine.













材质:金属 砖石 玻璃

品牌合作:维光照明 世标广告 立邦涂料




三厘社,由设计师钱钧与李茜创立于2014年, 是一支由十余位年轻设计师组成的专业设计团队,致力于成为最具创新精神的商业空间设计机构。从设计立足,长期关注商业空间及品牌革新。我们为包括餐饮、办公、酒店、时尚等多种形态的商业空间提供室内设计、品牌咨询与策划服务,同时涉及视觉设计与产品设计。 探寻多元,开拓辟新,通过空间联结更多设计的可能性。


TRIOSTUDIO, founded by Qian Jun and Li Xi in 2014, is a professional design team composed of more than ten young designers, which is committed to becoming the most innovative commercial interior design agency in China.  Focused on commercial space and brand innovation based on design. We provide interior design, branding services for a wide range of commercial spaces including restaurants, offices, hotels and fashion related, as well as graphic design and industrial design. Trying to connect more possibilities of design by commercial spaces through exploring diversification and finding new ideas.



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2021 ECIDA中国室内设计大奖



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  • 三厘社:厅堂--古典峰端的欢...


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