TRIOSTUDIO 三厘社:观点蔬房设计

设计:TRIOSTUDIO 三厘社 | 项目地点:南京 | 类别:餐饮空间 | 2022-09-30 7665 95


Vegetable House is the second store of tea brand POINT in Nanjing. On the basis of the main tea service in the first store, the vegetable room is characterized by providing healthy and high-quality vegetarian services, and has launched a restaurant function. The design team regards the space as an important carrier of the brand spirit, continues the flexible and open atmosphere of the tea room, focuses on creating a "social sense" of the space, and conveys the simple aesthetic spirit upheld by the brand.

餐厅外立面 Restaurant facade.jpg



The design team continues the space theme of "settlement", building blocks in the space to create a "natural community" hidden in the city. Through the opening of the façade and the basic spatial form enclosed by the steel structure, a continuous and stacked double-layer spatial order is created, and the original architectural frame is connected, so that the landscape and the interior are blended and presented. The harmonious beauty of contrasting historical texture and new materials.

场地原貌与实景对比 Comparison of the original appearance and the real scene.gif

转角的卡座细节 Corner deck details.jpg


Based on the brand tonality that emphasizes simple aesthetics, the overall space is created in the environment, intervenes in the social lifestyle of young consumers with a flexible and open attitude, and integrates the brand's vision for a better urban life for young people. Under the innovation of tea and vegetarian aesthetics, it reconstructs nature to present a poetic space that connects daily life.

材料细节  Material details.jpg

入口门头设计 Door design.jpg


The layered terrain formed by the height difference is used as the public furniture in the space, and the original paving material also enhances the sense of outdoor experience. On the first floor, the scattered seats and card seats are arranged in a staggered manner to meet the needs of various forms of dining. The second floor space is dominated by private rooms.

互联空间中心的天井  Atrium at the Center of Connected Spaces.jpg

空间的层次感 Hierarchy of space.jpg

用餐区域设计 Dining area design .jpg

用餐区域设计 Dining area design   .jpg

楼梯细节营造 Stair detailing.jpg

家具细节 Furniture details.jpg

从二楼天井俯望一楼  Looking down on the 1 st floor from the 2 nd floor.jpg

烤茶体验区营造  Create a roasted tea experience area.jpg

从烤茶区望向包间 Looking at the private room from the roasted tea area.jpg


The inclusive and peaceful space state stimulates the multi-dimensional senses of customers and realizes the interaction between people and space. Viewpoint Vegetable House focuses on the relationship between people, the environment, and nature in the urban circle. It carries the reverence for nature from the restaurant experience service, and leads people to yearn for a simpler way of life.

空间细节 Space details.jpg

空间与街道的关系 The relationship between space and street.jpg

空间平面图 Space plan.jpg
















三厘社,由设计师钱钧与李茜创立于2014年, 是一支由十余位年轻设计师组成的专业设计团队,致力于成为最具创新精神的商业空间设计机构。从设计立足,长期关注商业空间及品牌革新。我们为包括餐饮、办公、酒店、时尚等多种形态的商业空间提供室内设计、品牌咨询与策划服务,同时涉及视觉设计与产品设计。 探寻多元,开拓辟新,通过空间联结更多设计的可能性。


TRIOSTUDIO, founded by Qian Jun and Li Xi in 2014, is a professional design team composed of more than ten young designers, which is committed to becoming the most innovative commercial interior design agency in China.  Focused on commercial space and brand innovation based on design. We provide interior design, branding services for a wide range of commercial spaces including restaurants, offices, hotels and fashion related, as well as graphic design and industrial design. Trying to connect more possibilities of design by commercial spaces through exploring diversification and finding new ideas.




  • TRIOSTUDIO 三厘社:观点蔬...

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