ennead密尔沃基公共博物馆建筑设计方案面世 | 开启博物馆奇幻旅程
密尔沃基公共博物馆效果图 图1
© ennead architects LLP
Together with the Milwaukee Public Museum, Ennead Architects and Kahler Slater today unveiled the design for the new 200,000 square foot museum building, set on a 2.4 acre site in the burgeoning Haymarket neighborhood of Milwaukee. Four core principles influenced the design – community, nature, education, and the preservation of the museum’s vast collections. The new building is slated to break ground in late 2023 and open in 2026.
美国威斯康辛州密尔沃基公共博物馆于近日公布了由ennead建筑设计事务所与当地设计院Kahler Slater联席完成的建筑设计方案。新的密尔沃基公共博物馆坐落于约2.4公顷的蓬勃发展的密尔沃基干草市场社区(Haymarket Neighborhood),建筑面积200,000平方英尺。建筑设计紧绕博物馆的四大重要发展原则,即,社区、自然、教育和藏品保护。密尔沃基公共博物馆预计于2023年下半年破土动工,2026年正式对外开放。
密尔沃基公共博物馆效果图 图2
© ennead architects LLP
The team of Ennead Architects (Design Architect) and Kahler Slater (Architect-of-Record) developed a design that reflects Wisconsin’s rich natural history, while creating a welcoming new community anchor and an indispensable educational destination for lifelong learners of all ages and backgrounds. The museum will also be a hub for research, continuing the institution’s legacy since 1884 of scientific contribution that makes an impact across the state, and around the world.
密尔沃基公共博物馆建筑设计由ennead建筑设计事务所任主创单位,Kahler Slater建筑设计事务所任当地设计院。总体设计方案在展现威斯康辛州丰富的自然历史的同时,为干草社区创造一个崭新门户性标识,也为各个年龄层的访客和学者们提供了一个必不可少的、满足终身学习需求的里程碑式空间。密尔沃基公共博物馆致力成为研究和学习的枢纽,继承并延续自1884年以来机构在科研方面的贡献与使命,旨在为美国国内、甚至世界范围内的科研工作提供积极正面的帮助和影响。
“Thanks to the creativity and hard work of our team at Ennead and Kahler Slater, the new museum building will be an iconic, one-of-a-kind monument to Wisconsin and its people,” said Katie Sanders, MPM Chief Planning Officer. “Different from most creative processes, this design was developed as a result of input from thousands of people from both far corners of Wisconsin and right here in the Haymarket neighborhood, paired with inspiration drawn from a tour of the entire state.”
“ennead与Kahler Slater富有创造力和拼搏精神的高效设计团队将新博物馆以一种标志性的、独一无二的形式呈现给了威斯康辛州与她的居民们,”密尔沃基公共博物馆规划负责人,凯蒂·桑德斯(Katie Sanders)表示,“与传统设计模式不同,密尔沃基公共博物馆的建筑设计集合了包括威斯康辛州最偏远地区居民的意见,以及数以千计的、由附近干草社区居民提供的灵感,可以说,这是整个威斯康辛州智慧与创造力的结晶。”
ennead设计合伙人托德·谢里曼(Todd Schliemann)
“Our team has been so proud to work on this project, which is steeped in the people and place where it will be located – a testament to the strong vision and identity of the people of Milwaukee, the unique cultures throughout Wisconsin, and the natural landscapes in which they live. Like the diversity of Wisconsin, the museum building unfolds like a journey, full of surprises and wonder that will inspire visitors’ curiosity and make them peel back layers of understanding as they discover something different each time they come,” said Ennead Architects Design Partner Todd Schliemann FAIA, lead designer on the project.
ennead设计合伙人,密尔沃基公共博物馆主创设计师托德·谢里曼(Todd Schliemann)先生指出,“我们非常荣幸能够担任密尔沃基公共博物馆的建筑设计工作。设计是对密尔沃基民众身份认同感和社区建设愿景的具象表达,在体现威斯康辛州独特文化的同时,向公众展现了其特有的自然景观和居住环境。诚如威斯康辛州本身的城市多样性一般,公共博物馆的建筑设计为访客创造了一场梦幻的文化旅程,即,在不断的探索中遇见惊喜和奇迹;在激发访客好奇心的同时,为每一次的探访都创造了与众不同的经历,在不断的抽丝剥茧中领悟对事物的全新理解。”
密尔沃基公共博物馆效果图 图3
© ennead architects LLP
The team drew inspiration from the ecological histories of Milwaukee and greater Wisconsin. The design of the new museum will be reminiscent of the geological formations contained within Mill Bluff State Park, emblematic of the region’s diversity of landscapes formed by the movements of water through time. The building will be primarily a concrete and glass structure, with an exterior texture that will mirror the ancient sea stacks present in Mill Bluff State Park. The new museum will have rounded corners that evoke the erosion and weathering of the glacial landscapes that shaped much of Wisconsin and evolved over time. The convergence of Milwaukee’s three rivers—the Milwaukee, Kinnickinnic, and Menomonee—inspire the museum’s interior commons, whose three distinct entrances welcome visitors into a dynamic gathering space.
设计团队从密尔沃基市和威斯康辛州的生态历史中获取灵感。新的公共博物馆设计是对米尔布拉夫州立公园(Mill Bluff State Park)内地质构造的艺术性陈述,象征着该地区由于水流随时间推移而形成的多样化景观。建筑主体为混凝土和玻璃结构,外部纹理是对米尔布拉夫州立公园的古老海滩历史肌理的再现。公共博物馆的内部公共空间呈现了密尔沃基三条河流——密尔沃基河、金尼金尼河和梅诺莫尼河交汇处的特有景致,并从三个不同入口迎接到访者,形成了一个充满活力的集会和公共空间。
米尔布拉夫州立公园 © 维基百科
“We wanted to create a space that gave the feeling of wonder, like what we experienced throughout our trip around the state, as we saw these exceptional landscapes and met so many different people with stories to tell.
There was much more to see and understand beneath every surface. We thought about this layered experience of discovery when designing the building. We wanted to make a museum that would reveal more with every visit and let people take their own journeys through the space, led by curiosity,” said Ennead Architects Associate Principal Jarrett Pelletier AIA, senior designer on the project.
在每个空间层次中你都能发现更多的理解和惊喜。我们在建筑设计中也充分采用了这种分层式的多阶段探索体验。我们希望能够建造一座百看不厌的博物馆,在每次参观时都带给访客不同的体验和新奇感,让人们在好奇心的驱使下,不断开拓属于自己的空间旅程。” ennead董事,密尔沃基公共博物馆资深建筑师杰瑞特·佩尔蒂埃(Jarett Pelletier)指出。
The new museum will be a five-story, 200,000 square foot structure. The exhibit spaces, which will be designed by Thinc, will include permanent and changing galleries of multi-sensory exhibits.
The first floor will consist of a naturally lit common atrium for guests and the general public to convene, similar to a community center. The fluid layout of the building will enable visitors to preview different exhibit floors and enjoy a behind-the-scenes look at collection spaces, objects, and specimens that have typically been concealed behind closed doors.
密尔沃基公共博物馆效果图 图4
© ennead architects LLP
Located on the corner of Sixth and Vliet Streets, the new museum will include two gardens for visitors to enjoy: one will be located near the entrance to the museum and one on the rooftop, which will house native Milwaukee flora in an effort to reintroduce them into Milwaukee’s urban environment. On the rooftop, there will be permanent exhibits and a butterfly vivarium, a signature exhibit piece.
密尔沃基公共博物馆效果图 图5
© ennead architects LLP
Together with landscape architect GGN, the museum will redefine the Historic Haymarket city edge, bringing a human scale to this part of the urban core and creating a new and beloved civic space, adding to the lexicon of public urban gathering spaces around Milwaukee. Additionally, the museum will house a planetarium, office and lab space, classrooms and flexible space, dining, and collections storage.
密尔沃基公共博物馆效果图 图6
© ennead architects LLP
“Our community has the privilege and opportunity to reimagine what this beloved institution can be and further our mission to inspire curiosity and knowledge of our world’s natural and cultural diversity,” said MPM President and CEO Dr. Ellen Censky. “A new museum building is the only way to ensure the continuity of this institution and the safety of its collections for the enjoyment of future generations.”
“我们有幸拥有了再次构想这座深受民众喜爱的文化机构的机会,并在这过程中进一步激发了我们对自然世界和文化多样性的好奇心和探索使命。”公共博物馆馆长兼首席执行官艾伦·岑斯基(Ellen Censky)认为,“一座新的博物馆建筑是确保和延续机构使命并保护其藏品安全、为下一代提供观赏并学习藏品和文化知识的唯一途径。”
项目地点:Milwaukee, WI, United States
业主单位:Milwaukee Public Museum
设计合伙人:Todd Schliemann
管理合伙人:Don Weinreich
设计团队:Jarrett Pelletier, Marissa Sweig, Mimoza Gjonbalaj, Nilushka Reiff, Elodie Graham
当地设计院:Kahler Slater