LICO力高设计 | 理想生活之衣门子体验店

设计:LICO力高设计 | 项目地点:惠州 | 类别:商业空间 | 2022-11-01 6279 60



Appeal of Ideal Life

孙中山先生在《民生主义》中提出“衣食住行”的生活基本需求,将“衣”排在第一位。中国人穿衣抵御寒冷,并主张着衣应知礼义廉耻的观念,可见一斑。YIMENZI衣门子,是土生土长的、年轻的中国女装厂牌,致力于为当代中国女性理想生活方式与风格化着装,提供多元且具有质价比的专业选择。In Sun Yat-sen’s "People's Livelihood Doctrine", he put forward the basic life needs of "clothing, food, housing and transportation", and ranked "clothing" in the first place. The ideal of Chinese people that dressing is to resist the cold, and a way to know propriety, righteousness, probity and shame is so visible. YIMENZI , a native and young Chinese women's clothing label, is committed to providing the ideal lifestyle and stylized dress for contemporary Chinese women, and offering diversified and professional choices with quality and price ratio.

YIMENZI衣门子,2015年创立于深圳,是 “专注为女性独特个性气质之美而生”的专业女装生产厂牌。惠州东湖五街厂牌体验店,背靠惠州江北片区CBD中心华贸天地,面积60㎡,是YIMENZI厂牌在信息化与大数据时代背景下,从研发、设计、生产走向市场,走向自主品牌,并将线下与线上进行融合的一次全新尝试,它将与YIMENZI华贸天地旗舰店一同完成YIMENZI理念传导、个性基调的品牌初印象建立和经营模式的更新与升级。YIMENZI, founded in Shenzhen in 2015, is a professional women's clothing manufacturer focused on the beauty of women's unique personality and temperament. YIMENZI Brand Experience Store at Huizhou East Lake Fifth Street, back by Huamao Center in Huizhou Jiangbei area CBD, covers an area of 60 ㎡. In the era of information and big data, it’s a new attempt of YIMENZI to integrate offline and online business to establish its independent brand, from research, development, design, production to market. This Store and YIMENZI Huamao Center Flagship Store will transmit the concept of YIMENZI, establish the first impression with personality tone on this brand and update and upgrade its business model.


当生活方式领域对品质、创新、美学有较高要求的企业或商业面临转型期,经营者产生期望通过将“实体空间店铺”升级成为“品牌体验店或旗舰店”,以构建或重建品牌风格基调、情感个性及顾客体验时,自然会将一贯主张“力创高品、理想生活”品牌核心理念的LICO力高设计作为首邀设计合作伙伴。LICO力高设计团队欣然接受了YIMENZI此次双店空间的设计邀约。When enterprises or business customers in lifestyle field have high requirements for quality, innovation and aesthetics facing transition, operators will expect to turn mortar stores into brand experience stores or flagship stores to build or rebuild the brand style tone, emotional personality and customer experience. Naturally, LICO Design which advocating the core brand concept of “high quality, ideal ” becomes their first invited design partner. LICO's design team gladly accepted the invitation of YIMENZI to design its two stores.




Design of Ideal Life

50%DESIGN:橱窗即空间,空间即橱窗。YIMENZI衣门子厂牌体验店(东湖五街店),空间方正,空气流通,光线充足,但面积较小,同时离即将完工的YIMENZI华贸旗舰店的距离又非常近。50%DESIGN: Window is space, and space is window. YIMENZI Brand Experience Store (East Lake Fifth Street Store) owns a square space, good air circulation and sufficient light, but covers a relative small area. It’s close to the soon-to-be completed YIMENZI Huamao Flagship Store.



LICO团队基于“50%DESIGN”的设计理念,提出“向内扩容的半开放橱窗式空间”的概念,以橱窗即空间,空间即橱窗的思路,作为本案的设计策略,结合女装产品经营属性,围绕“吸引、引领、真我”的理念展开本案设计创作,也与华贸旗舰店在设计策略和创作上有所区别。Based on the design concept of "50%DESIGN",LICO team put forward the concept of "inward expansion of semi-open window-styled space". In LICO’s design strategy, window is space and space is window. They take the management attributes of women’s wear products into consideration and design around the concept of “attracting, leading and authentic self”. Of course, this Store is different from the design strategy of Huamao Flagship Store.



Inward Expansion of Semi-open Window-styled Space

YIMENZI衣门子厂牌体验店,在经营属性上兼具线下临街半开放式橱窗功能和线上产品直播间功能。因此,设计师以一大、一小两段弧形墙体和云步七阶将原本“一眼看完”的空间横向分为五个功能:入口模特及装置展示、产品陈列、产品直播、试衣间及洗手间等功能区域;纵向衍生出储藏备货空间,云步阶梯也是YIMENZI着装出片的不二之选。是功能俱全的半开放橱窗,亦是日常经营和夜间直播两用的体验空间。YIMENZI Brand Experience Store is a space that can be used as offline semi-open window-styled store and online live room. So, by making use of the arc wall and steps, the designers of LICO divide the space into five functional areas horizontally: entrance area for model and device display, product display area, live room area, fitting room area and washroom area. Vertically, a storage space is created and the steps is also a best decoration for customers to take photos in YIMENZI’s dress. It’s a multifunctional semi-open window-styled space that can be used as a space for daily operations and a night live room.



Light is a Symbol of Awakening

女性的衣橱,永远少一件衣服。对美的无限追求正是女人的天性,正如众多女性心目中那位来自加拿大小城蒙特利尔的男神,漂泊在现代都市的吟游诗人与低吟歌者Leonard Cohen在1992年创作的《Anthem》歌词中所唱“不够完美又何妨,万物皆有裂痕,那是光照进来的地方。”每一次选购衣服的体验,都是女性平凡生活日常中的一次自我愉悦的“高光时刻”,也是女性对“自我”的一次向内探索和开发,是自我绽放和积极正向的面对生活的态度表达,是深层内在自我的醒觉。For women's wardrobes,there is always a lack of a dress. The infinite pursuit of beauty is a woman's nature.Just as the lyrics of Anthem that Leonard Cohen wrote in 1992 describes,“Imperfections don’t matter.There is a crack in everything,that’s how the light gets in.”Every experience of choosing clothes is a pleasant" highlight moment "in women's ordinary daily life. It is also an inward exploration and development of women's" self ". It is the expression of self-blooming and a positive attitude towards life, and the awakening of deep inner self.



Light is attracting, leading and authentic self

光是生命万物自由生长的吸引力,是理想生活脚步向前的引领,是立体多面自在之我的降临。有光,生命自然万物显现出千姿百态的样貌;有光,万物自然生长出多元丰富的肌理与特性;有光,万物自然向人们打开了想象和创造的可能。服装之于人,又何尝不是日常生活中的光。有光,千人千面,个性多元,又因不同而得以相互产生吸引,连接,让人们彼此之间产生了关系,和其光,同其尘。Light is the attraction of the free growth of all things in life, the guidance of the forward footsteps of ideal life , and the arrival of the three-dimensional and multi-faceted freedom. With light, life naturally shows a various of appearances. With light, diverse and rich textures and characteristics grow in all things in the nature. With light, all things in the nature opens up the possibility of imagination and creation. For people, clothing is just like the light in daily life. With light, every one shows its personal and diverse difference. We attract and connect each other due to that difference. Meanwhile, we establish relationship by attracting the light  and adopting the dust in the nature.


面料的酣睡 / 个性的苏醒

Insignificance of materials awakens individuality

美,本身是关注和专注的产物。明末文学家冯梦龙在《醒世恒言》中,曾言“美人美在骨相,不在皮相”,真正的美,经得起时间的沉淀,生活的磨砺。正如LICO团队尝试通过空间表达的“吸引、引领、真我” 理念一样。Beauty, in itself, is a product of attention and focus. In the late Ming Dynasty, a writer Feng Menglong once said in his book Xingshihengyan, "the beauty lies in the bone, not in the skin". The real beauty can stand the precipitation of time and the hone of life. As the concept of “attracting, leading and authentic self ” that LICO team try to pass through the space expression. 



The beauty of YIMENZI lies in the process when customers come into the YIMENZI space to choose, try, and buy new clothes. It’s YIMENZI that helps customers to achieve the awakening of personality and starting a journey of inner heart. YIMENZI offers the customers a wonderful experience from the beauty of space to the beauty of the product, and finally to the awakening of the unique personality.



The beauty of women clothes doesn’t lie in their materials,

but in the awakening of the personality.


For the wardrobes of women, there’s always a lack of a dress.


This may be the true wisdom of women.


Welcome to YIMENZI.

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▲Plan @ 手绘图

▲Plan @ 平面图





Project Address:Donghu Five Streets, Huicheng District, Huizhou City


Design Unit:LICO


Creative Designer:Eric Chon


Design Team: Zeng Yinglin, Zhu Yanghuan, Dong Huabin, Luo Qiuyue, Chen Guoliang, Feng Wenxin


Photography Copyright:Eric Chon

品牌顾问:DRD 再定义

Brand Consultant:DRD

施工单位:Feng's Team

Construction Team:Feng's Team


Customer :YIMENZI

建筑面积:60 ㎡

Building Area:60 ㎡


Year of Completion:September, 2022

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钟良胜 Eric Chon

LICO, meaning "to face" in Slovenian, accords highly with its business and design philosophy of "doing and creating". LI (Chinese, 力), meaning ability, efficiency and doing one’s utmost, is doing; CO (Chinese, 高), meaning concept, dimension and reaching a new high, is creating. In the view of LICO, an innovative, aesthetic and spiritual design solution only accounts for 50% of the whole design system, and the other 50% is accomplished by its execution efficiency and guidance.

十数年来,LICO力高团队,持守“理想生活创行者”的角色定位,始终以“客户体验与评价”作为设计工作的起点与终点,坚持以“50%DESIGN”的设计哲学,专注于理想生活的空间机能构筑、美学感知传递以及生活方式创建,为客户提供“理想生活全案”,力图帮助当代品质生活需求客户实现“理想生活”的美好愿景。Over the past years, LICO team has adhered to its orientation of Initiator of Ideal Life, taken “the experience and comments of customers ” as the starting point and ending point of the design work and held onto the design philosophy of 50%DESIGN. Focused on the space function construction, aesthetic perception transmission and lifestyle creation of the ideal life, LICO provides "a whole ideal life plan" for its customers, trying to help those demanding for quality life to realize the beautiful vision of "the ideal life.




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