侯胤杰新作 │当浪漫巴黎邂逅摩登上海

设计:法纳兴设计事务所 Nothing Studio | 项目地点:上海 | 类别:居住空间 | 2022-12-08 10053 91






The romantic nature of Paris is indescribable. Xu Zhimo, a Chinese poet, said, “Once you make a trip to Paris, Heaven will not be missed.”

The private residence project in Yun Jin Dong Fang by Hou Yinjie, also goes as Nathan, has taken some of that romance to Shanghai, presenting an elegant and artsy living experience to his client.







The designer rearranged the apartment's layout, starting with the hallway. A sense of ceremony arises from the creative and artistic features he added to the space, which creates a progressive visual effect for people entering the apartment and subtly brings out the client’s artistic temperament.





A big living room appears in sight as one walks through the hallway. Curving lines are used to soften the space, and the items are placed elegantly here. The sectional sofas are the highlight of the living room, where people can nestle for comfort.



The floor-to-ceiling windows are co-designed by the Nathan-led design team and ACY Windows&Doors. The craftsmanship of the hollow glass serves to insulate heat and noise, and the design has filled the vacuum of such products in the Chinese market. The windows are a perfect match to the outline of the construction.



Different areas of the apartment are designed in perfect order. The bar counter is seamlessly connected to the living room to ensure that people can easily access both areas for improved family interactions. The design provides an alternative to managing the functional spaces to satisfy all members of the family at the same time.


Nathan has put a lot of thought into designing the wall where the TV set is placed. He added a fireplace and a big mirror to hide the television when it’s not on, and the elements in this area are harmoniously arranged for a clean and simple look. The client’s favorite piano sits in the corner of the living room as an art installation, adding some peace and elegance to the space.



The guest’s bathroom facing the balcony door is behind a hidden entrance of the living room and its details are taken good care of. The lower half of the bathroom walls are decorated with marble, and the other half is covered by wallpaper with traditional water-painted images on them. The atmospheric design is just as useful as other parts of the apartment.


“只需一杯红酒和一个安静的角落, 就能感受到巴黎人的性格特点:



The bar counter reminds people of the countless street corners in Paris that bear the tenderness of the locals and their passionate individualism. The soft colors and entertaining shapes paint a stylish, unique, and intimate picture of the space.




The designer’s ingenuity can also be found in his use of materials. The bar counter is made entirely of Bulgari marble, resembling an abstract art piece. The classic crystal chandeliers are another highlight. The shelves behind the counter are designed to collect and exhibit; their existence is both functional and contributes to the entirety of the living room.



王湘君 Vivian(小红书账号: VV 总爱折腾)互联网女高管。在互联网从业 20 年,  曾带领广告团队从 0 到 1 实现百亿量级收入,  成绩获多个行业高度瞩目。

“当美的灵魂与美的外表和谐地融为一体, 人们就会看到,这是世上最完善的美。”




The designer rejected the idea of a regular balcony and applied many natural elements instead. Summers in Shanghai usually last for months, and winters tend to be wet and cold, and for this reason, the space in this area would have been a waste if the original design had been kept.


Nathan found a smart solution. He replaced the original fences with a window wall that could be controlled electronically, and he introduced smart devices such as a rain sensor, which allows the upper side of the window to rise and fall automatically under different weather.

The makeover allows the client to take full advantage of the balcony, which has become an extension of the space inside the apartment. The design helps to connect the apartment with the natural surroundings and elevates its value.




The tailor-made artsy marble, designed by Nathan, and the plants he selected make the balcony a comfortable and chic place to rest. After doing lots of R&D, Nothing Studio, led by Nathan, chose some unconventional pieces for the balcony, including the chair and the sofa that perfectly mirror the coziness in the client's daily life. 



女主人Vivian是互联网工作者,是一位精力充沛,爱好广泛的人,对时尚,艺术也颇多研究。而她最大的爱好就是买房和装修,积累了很多装修经验,也提升了她的眼光和审美。在设计师和施工方的精益求精的工作态度和完美而又高质的配合下,最后的成品,业主倍感满意,新家装修好没多久,已经邀请不少朋友在家 family dinner,自己也拍了许多空间照片和视频来收藏和发布。

The client, Vivian, works in tech. She is an energetic figure with excellent taste in fashion and art. One of her many hobbies is buying properties and designing her apartments. After having participated in several remodeling projects, she is now an experienced client.

The designer and the construction team worked together to pursue the best result, and Vivian is quite happy with how the apartment turned out. Just days after the apartment was done, she began to host parties. She also collected and posted several photos and videos of the apartment.

“只想捻一阕诗情, 书一怀画意,

小酌怡情, 吟风弄, 无关他言, 且歌且行。”

“One’s longings for artistic expression is free of others’ judgment. Just enjoy the day.”



The dining room has two separate spaces dedicated to Chinese and Western cuisines. The Western section is equipped with a water bar and a kitchen island for daily meals and friends’ get-togethers.

The designer’s choice of furniture and decorations elevates the taste of the area, and this is particularly true in the case of the island. The table is made of marble in a black-and-white pattern, and the golden chair and the Western-style ceramic vase tell nothing but an experience of elegance and luxury.




The Chinese part has also been redesigned, which reminds people of a regular setting for western dinners. It strikes one’s visuals in terms of how the space is arranged. Nathan added an arch door and furnished the area with a long dining table, an eye-catching chandelier, abstract paintings, and glass art pieces. He made the room a warm and stylish place for people to dine.





The cupboards are designed to be part of the cabinet sets to exhibit and create a differentiated visual effect. The arch is an exotic element to echo the style of the space.






剪一段流年的时光, 握着一路相随的暖, 把最平淡的日子梳理成诗意的风景。


The flow and the function of the master bedroom have been improved. The designer relocated the bedroom door to solve the problem of several rooms sharing the same exit of the passageway and avoid future interruptions. The relocation makes any future changes in functions easier and gives the client more privacy.





Simplicity is the keyword for the bedroom. Decorative lines on the walls are tastefully drawn, and a huge abstract painting speaks to the client’s peace of mind.




The designer added a study/screening room inside the bedroom, and the vintage elements in the room are expressed in a modern way. The detailed carvings on the walls give the whole space a relaxed and thoughtful look. The designer chose dark green as the essential color to create an impression of steadiness.




All furniture is placed with great flexibility, which leaves the client with alternatives to remodel. Smart devices, including curtains, projectors, and audio/video systems, are parts of the room. What is special about the apartment is that all audio/video systems, including those in the living room and the dining room, are smartly hidden. One will not even notice the devices while enjoying music. Isn’t that a wonder?




Nathan also added a walk-in closet, which makes more sense for the apartment. The semi-transparent closet does not create any visual barriers in the bedroom, and quite the opposite, making it easier for the client to access her wardrobe. The room looks bigger with the glass doors in the closet, and they also help to improve the lighting.





The master bathroom has exotic designs. Elements from nature bring a touch of green to the space and create a comforting atmosphere. Fun light bulbs and various plants take people out of the concrete jungle for a getaway in nature.





The bedroom for the client’s daughter is a room full of a kid’s fantasy. The arch door, toys, and wall paintings warm the whole space with the parents’ care and love.






Desaturated pink is applied to the walls for a cute and gentle look. The beddings chosen by the designer are a good fit for the princess-themed bedroom. The petal-like ceiling lamp and the pink bay window create a cozy and comfortable space for the little one, as if she is living in a castle.


Nathan’s design for the chess room takes in elements from traditional Chinese culture and gives them a modern look. The items in the room are conveniently placed should the client wants to move them in the future.




Plan of the project






Project information:

项目名称  | 云锦东方

Name | Private Residence at Yun Jin Dong Fang

项目地点  |  中国 ·上海

Location | Shanghai, China

项目面积  | 500 ㎡

Coverage | 500 ㎡

项目类型  | 私宅

Type | Private residence

项目设计  | 法纳兴设计事务所 Nothing Studio

Studio | Nothing Studio

设计主创  | 侯胤杰 Nathan Hou

Chief designer | Hou Yinjie (Nathan)

设计团队  |申荣霞 Phoebe、王春燕 Joanna、    汪城晨 Amber、焦 金龙 Daniel、陈仲意 Zhongyi

Design   Team   |   Shen   Rongxia,   Wang   Chunyan,   Wang Chengchen, Jiao Jinlong, Chen Zhongyi

软装总监  | 陈璟 Miki

Furnishing Supervisor | Chen Jing

灯光顾问  | 王凤龙 Samuel

Lighting Advisor | Wang Fenglong

设计时间  | 2020.12

Time of design | Dec. 2020

完工时间  | 2022.08

Time of completion | Aug. 2022

施工团队  | 上海筑恩装饰

Construction | Shanghai Zhu En Construction Engineering Ltd. 主要材料  |   安窗义门窗、     本杰明艺术涂料、     宝格丽大理石、   实 木复合地板

Materials | ACY windows and doors, Benjamin Moore art paint, Bulgari marble, engineered hardwood floor

产品研发  |法纳兴&安窗义共同研发法式系统门窗、法纳兴设计研发 艺术砖

Product   R&D   |   floor-to-ceiling   window   co-designed   by Nothing Studio and ACY Windows & Doors, Tiles designed by Nothing Studio

空间摄影   | 蔡云普

Photographer | Cai Yunpu


Video & Photos | Vivian Wang


Special thanks to Vivian Wang


侯胤杰Nathan Hou.jpg


侯胤杰 Nathan

NOTHING STUDIO 法纳兴设计事务所创始人及主创设计师, 精品法式艺术设计领军人物,  20 余年专注现代法式艺术风格, 致力于打造现代法式空间美学。

侯胤杰 Nathan 曾于知名法国设计机构任职总监多年, 在积攒扎实的实践经验同时, 也建构了完整敏锐地空间美学体系,对现代法式艺术风格沉淀出独到的见解。  2011 年,  侯胤杰    Nathan 创立 NOTHING STUDIO 法纳兴室内设计上海有限公司,业务范围涵盖高端私宅、  商业空间、酒店项目等。基于对法式风格一以贯之的专注探索, 和对中国人生活方式的深入 了解,  NOTHING STUDIO 法纳兴成为少数能够承接从建筑改造、花园设计, 到硬装设计、  软装搭配以及艺术品收藏等全案诉求的法式生活缔造者, 也多次登上《INTERNI》意大利版、 《安邸 AD》、《ELLE DECORATION 家居廊》、《美国室内设计》中文版、《瑞丽家居设计》、 《时尚家居》、《设计家》等知名媒体。

在侯胤杰 Nathan 的理解中,所谓“法式”早已不止于标签化地视觉符号和流于表面地模仿 重复,  经过 20 余年的实践和摸索,  以及大量私宅项目实践中对生活、居住的思考,  法式风 格已经内化成为他解构设计、理解生活的支点。作为一个对生活与设计充满信仰的设计师, 他认为设计的美感应该建立在真实、纯粹地生活之上, 而设计者要实现的是居住者对美好生 活的所有设想, 完成他们脑海中关于梦想生活的画面, 成为真正有包容性的、基于现代法式 艺术风格的空间美学和居住哲学践行者。




法纳兴室内设计(上海) 有限公司由沪上精品法式艺术设计领军人物侯胤杰 Nathan 先生于 2011 年创立于中国上海,业务范围涵盖高端私宅、商业空间、酒店项目等。

基于对法式风格一以贯之的专注探索及 20 多年的项目经验、国际化的视野和对中国人生活 方式的深入了解,  法纳兴成为少数能够承接从建筑改造、花园设计,  到硬装设计、软装搭配 以及艺术品收藏等全案诉求的法式生活缔造者。

基于在法式精品艺术风格的多年深耕, 法纳兴也建立了完整的供应商体系, 以保证项目落地 的完整度和设计还原度,为业主构建理想的生活图景。




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