Paolo Ferrari Studio新作:The Bedford艺术售楼处
The Bedford艺术售楼处是和谐、天然材料和艺术的意想不到的天堂。 Studio Paolo Ferrari 巧妙地创造了一个瞬间舒缓感官的避难所。
The Bedford’s Presentation Gallery is an unexpected haven of harmony, natural materials, and artistry. Studio Paolo Ferrari cleverly creates a sanctuary that instantly soothes the senses.
© Joel Esposito
“在设计中,我们希望以一种让人感觉出乎意料的方式来表达这种居家般的温暖品质。” “作为一个工作室,我们总是希望我们的作品存在于永恒和勇敢的发明之间。 我们相信,在这两个方面找到平衡——并让它们同时存在——才能创造出真正令人信服的空间。”Ferrari 说道。
“In the design, we wanted to express this quality of residential warmth in a way that feels unexpected,” explains Ferrari. “As a studio, we always want our work to exist somewhere between timelessness and courageous invention. We believe that finding a balance between these two facets — and allowing them to exist simultaneously — is what creates spaces that feel truly compelling.”
© Joel Esposito
由 Burnac 开发、Studio Paolo Ferrari 设计的 The Bedford's Presentation Gallery 提供身临其境的多方面体验,超出预期。 Presentation Gallery 带领客人踏上一段在熟悉和意外之间巧妙摇摆的旅程,展示即将开业的多伦多精品酒店 The Bedford 的卓越产品。 Studio Paolo Ferrari 受 By Burnac 的委托,为演示画廊和贝德福德酒店本身设想和设计室内设计。 该项目突破了营销画廊如何以意想不到的方式处理感官体验的界限。
An immersive and multifaceted experience, The Bedford’s Presentation Gallery developed By Burnac and designed by Studio Paolo Ferrari defies expectations. The Presentation Gallery takes guests on a journey that artfully wavers between the familiar and the unexpected, demonstrating the exceptional offerings of the upcoming boutique Toronto property — The Bedford. Studio Paolo Ferrari was brought on by By Burnac to envision and design the interiors for both the Presentation Gallery and The Bedford property itself. The project pushes the boundaries of how marketing galleries approach sensorial experiences in unexpected ways.
© Joel Esposito
Studio Paolo Ferrari 和 By Burnac 完全重新思考了传统的销售办公室,超越了典型的交易体验。 取而代之的是,The Bedford 的展示廊被设计成一个直观的、多方面的旅程,带有惊喜和神奇的元素,为潜在的居民提供了一个了解 The Bedford 精心设计的产品的窗口。 该工作室仅使用天然材料,采用朴实的中性色调,旨在表达宁静和平静。 内敛的设计通过微妙的纹理、温暖的金属和白橡木木工工艺变得栩栩如生。
Studio Paolo Ferrari and By Burnac entirely re-thought the conventional sales office, moving beyond the typical transactional experience. Instead, The Bedford’s Presentation Gallery was designed to be an intuitive and multifaceted journey with elements of surprise and magic, offering prospective residents a window into the considered offerings at The Bedford. The studio worked only with natural materials, in a colour palette of earthy neutrals, intended to express serenity and calm. The restrained design is brought to life with subtle textures, warm metals, and white oak woodworking.
The Bedford ,这个独立的住宅产品 是多伦多令人垂涎的 Yorkville-Annex 遗产街区即将新增的项目 - 通过身临其境的多方面销售画廊体验。 这座 13 层高的建筑作为精致的私人住宅产品脱颖而出,其设施水平可与世界顶级酒店相媲美。 The Bedford’s Presentation Gallery 对细节的高度关注、精心策划的室内设计和深刻的意图,远远超出了典型的销售办公室体验。
The exclusive residential offering — The Bedford — is an upcoming addition to Toronto’s coveted Yorkville-Annex heritage neighbourhood — through an immersive, multi-faceted sales gallery experience. The 13-storey building stands out as a meticulous private residential offering, with a level of amenities that rivals the experience of the world’s top hotels. With high attention to detail, artfully curated interiors, and a deep intentionality, The Bedford’s Presentation Gallery goes far beyond the typical sales office experience.
© Joel Esposito
“我们希望创造一个充满情感和发自内心的空间,而不是依赖文字和书面内容。 展示厅充满幸福感,空间旨在讲述一个故事,以亲切和平易近人的方式分享室内建筑语言,”法拉利解释道。 “当客人走过旅程时,我们希望在每个阶段都有一些值得期待的东西。 我们希望以更具活力和艺术性的方式展示项目的各个方面,创造对未知的期待,”Ferrari说道。
“We looked to create a space that was emotional and visceral, instead of relying on text and written content. The Presentation Gallery is imbued with a sense of well-being, the space is designed to tell a story, sharing the interior architectural language in a gracious and approachable way,” explains Ferrari. “As guests move through the journey, we wanted there to be something to look forward to at each stage. We wanted to present each aspect of the project in a more dynamic and artistic way, creating an expectation of the unknown,” says Ferrari.
空间完美体现了法拉利对奢华和热情好客的态度,在空间和材料、永恒和前卫、优雅和力量之间实现了精致的平衡。 Ferrari基于本质主义艺术画廊的理念,继续创造一种平静和感官的体验。
The Gallery perfectly encapsulates Ferrari’s approach to luxury and hospitality, offering a refined balance of space and materials, timeless and avant-garde, and grace and strength. Ferrari went on to create a calming and sensorial experience, based around the idea of an essentialist art gallery.
艺术售楼处旨在为游客提供放松和休息的空间,整个体验中都融入了 The Bedford 的设计理念。 Studio Paolo Ferrari 创造了一种结合了设计、艺术性和实用性能的混合类型。
The Presentation Gallery was designed as a space for visitors to relax and find respite, with the design ethos of The Bedford imbued throughout the experience. Studio Paolo Ferrari has created a hybrid typology that combines design, artistry, and practical performance.
© Joel Esposito
展示厅热情好客,旨在为游客提供亲密和个性化的关注。 客人在大小和比例各不相同的空间中移动,每一处都经过仔细考虑,并呈现出贝德福德体验的独特方面。 这种体验旨在让人感觉既熟悉又令人惊讶,并且具有更深层次的细节,在空间中花费的时间越多,这些细节就越明显。 目的是唤起贝德福德本身的品质——一个鼓励客人舒适地逗留并拥有难忘的、精心策划的体验的空间。
Warm and welcoming, the Presentation Gallery is designed to provide an intimate and personal level of attention to visitors. Guests move through spaces that range in size and proportion, each one carefully considered and presenting a unique facet of The Bedford experience. The experience was designed to feel both familiar and surprising, and to have deep levels of detail that become increasingly apparent the more time spent in the space. The aim is to evoke the qualities of The Bedford itself — a space that encourages guests to comfortably linger and have a memorable, curated experience.
来访者通过一个不起眼的入口进入展示厅,以一种好奇的感觉开始他们的体验。 一个温馨的接待室等待着客人的欢迎,然后引导客人穿过一个展示建筑本身背后的创造力和过程的带框建筑草图的大厅。 接下来,样板间突出了来自多伦多公司 Audax 的建筑,房间的墙壁覆盖着石灰石,以进一步参考贝德福德的外观。 在整个展示厅的每个接触点,小细节都让人联想到酒店——使用的材料、设计感、体贴——所有这些都作为贝德福德本身的暗示和姿态。
Visitors access the Presentation Gallery through a nondescript entrance, beginning their experience with a sense of intrigue. A welcoming reception room awaits as a greeting place before guests are guided through a hall of framed architectural sketches that demonstrate the creativity and process behind the building itself. Following, the model room spotlights the architecture — from Toronto-based firm Audax — with the room’s walls draped in limestone to further reference to the exteriors of The Bedford. At each touchpoint throughout the Presentation Gallery, small details are reminiscent of the property — the materials used, the sense of design, the thoughtfulness — all serve as hints and gestures to The Bedford itself.
© Joel Esposito
“我们真的相信项目有机会成为一个完整的世界,”Ferrari解释道。 “因此,我们喜欢设计物体和室内建筑,以创造出感觉像一个统一、独特的整体的空间。”
“We really believe that projects have the opportunity to become an entire world unto themselves,” explains Ferrari. “As such, we love designing objects and interior architecture to create spaces that feel like a unified, distinctive whole.”
然后客人穿过剧院房间,那里提供了一个受欢迎的休息点和休息点,还有机会观看短片(仅限参观演示画廊的人),并参观所提供的建筑计划和设施 . 贯穿整个剧院设计的居家温暖品质促使客人在体验中休息和流连忘返。 饰面画廊紧随其后,这是一个过渡空间,客人还可以进一步想象自己的住宅,展示材料样品,如大理石、白色石灰石、粉刷和烟熏橡木。
Guests then move through a theatre room, which provides a welcome respite and point of rest, as well as an opportunity to view short project films (exclusive to only those who visit the Presentation Gallery) and to be walked through the building plans and amenities offered. A quality of residential warmth throughout the theatre’s design prompts guests to rest and linger in the experience. A finishes gallery follows, a transition space that also allows guests to further envision the residences themselves, with material samples on display like marble, white limestone, and whitewashed and fumed oak.
© Joel Esposito
Beyond, guests move through a vignette of the kitchens and bathrooms. A contrast to the expected is present here too, with a gallery-like feel and sculptural polished steel that refracts the spaces ahead, alluding at what’s to come. The journey concludes with guests entering a closing room, designed to emulate The Bedford’s porter lobby. Reminiscent of an re-imagined home office, here guests can mark the conclusion with a beverage as they formalize a transaction, or as the staff attend to any questions or requests they have.
在整个The Bedford空间的旅程中,有层层的对比——从熟悉到意想不到,从光明到黑暗,从广阔到亲密——在整个体验中增加了深度和兴趣。
Throughout the entirety of The Bedford’s Presentation Gallery journey, there are layers of contrast — from the familiar to the unexpected, from light to dark, from expansive to intimate — that add depth and interest throughout the experience.
© Joel Esposito