Atelier I-N-D-J新作:SOL37,沉浸体验于姑苏城的日夜
© Boris Shiu
位于苏州W酒店的SOL37由Atelier I-N-D-J负责设计,是一个全新的美食酒廊概念,一个新的标志性建筑,也是苏州的新地标。INDJ为了确保综合性的设计方法,融合了大胆的构思、精巧的细节和意想不到的焦点,再次借鉴了其基本的设计框架:物体、场所和体验。SOL37是一个目的地地标,是一次经过策划的旅程,为客人提供一个充满回忆的体验,其中充斥着Atelier设计和制作的艺术品。从宏观的概念到微观的细节,苏州恒泰和万豪国际委托我们改造已经成为标志性商业建筑的形象,并将其提升到新的高度,以补充苏州W酒店的服务,并通过全面翻新来重新确立其商业地标的地位。我们与W团队和Orange Blowfish紧密合作,创建了品牌和图形识别系统,使得整个作品都能被解读为一个有机的整体。
Designed by Atelier I-N-D-J SOL37 at the W Hotel Suzhou is a new gastro lounge concept, a new icon, a new landmark for Suzhou. Designed for longevity INDJ has again drawn on its fundamental design framework: OBJECTS PLACES EXPERIENCES to ensure a holistic approach that blends the big ideas and refines with attention to detail and unexpected focal points; SOL37 is a destination icon, a curated journey, a memorable experience for guests punctuated by object d'art conceived and fabricated by the Atelier. From the broad concept to the fine details, we were tasked by Suzhou Hengtai and Marriott International to reinvigorate an already established hospitality icon and take it to new heights to complement the W Hotel offer at Suzhou and help re-establish the hospitality landmark with a total renovation. We worked closely with the W team and the Orange Blowfish to create the brand and graphic identity to allow the work to read as a cohesive whole.
© Boris Shiu
Situated overlooking the Jinji Lake, W offers unparalleled views from the site of our works the 37th and 38th floor. Yet our design journey begins from the moment guests enter the drop off of the W.SOL37 is a journey of the senses to be experienced like a play, with scenes and acts where you are the protagonist. A carefully curated journey through a sequence of spaces designed to build anticipation. A long afternoon and evening at SOL37 are time well spent to remember.
Prologue / chapters / Epilogue – a staccato rhythm of light and dark
Staccato rhythm of spaces, from light to shadow, light to dark, defines a curious journey that's punctuated by a series of installations that in and of themselves tell a story. The whole story is greater than the sum of its parts – they work together to imprint a memory of the protagonist's visit.
© Boris Shiu
第一幕 - 洗礼
A light-filled lobby awaits, with pale stone meticulously crafted and accentuated by a primal light filtering through apertures delicately carved into the ceiling. Threads of green marble create a defining line that bisects the entire lobby space, seamlessly extending throughout SOL37. This is merely the drop-off point.
It serves as a waiting room of sorts, an airlock thoughtfully designed to shield guests from the outside world as they ready themselves to embark on a journey beyond this earthly realm, ascending towards SOL37.
©Ian Douglas-Jones
第二幕 - 中转
Heavy darkness falls of elevator doors as they slide apart revealing an opposite space to that of the lobby – here an uneasy journey begins – as deep bass sounds permeate and at to the uneasy atmosphere. It’s the shuttle lift to the 37 floor – we are leaving the world behind, heading to another place. SOL37.
©Ian Douglas-Jones
第三幕 - 前厅
As the doors open light spills forth a bright stone clad ante room presents itself, that green thread of marble continues as its datum bisects and leads the visitor towards a dark portal.
© Boris Shiu - L37 Corridor
第四幕 - 传送门
The sound has transformed, its unsettling nature filtered and replaced with a more lively, albeit eccentric, rhythm—a prolonged departure from normality.
Leaving the world behind, a lengthy corridor acts as a gateway to another realm. Glimpses of an extraordinary space provide a tantalizing preview of what awaits. As light and sound gently filter through the corridor, enticing guests to venture further. Narrow beams of light cast shadows along one side of the passage, reinforcing the sense of direction and the irresistible pull towards the destination. These luminous rays emanate from fixtures mounted on the opposite wall.
“日影变迁”| 装置1
它是一系列艺术装置中的第一件,与光影的交错互动,展现了其自然秩序和物理性质,同时也与人类内在的原始联系相融合。它是光、太阳及赋予生命的能量 。
‘SUN TRANSIT’ | installation No.1
It is the first of a series of art works that interplay with light and shadow and revel in the natural order of light and physics yet tap into the primal innate connection to humanity. Light, the sun, the life-giving force of energy.
© Zhenru Zhang - L37 Installation NO.1 - Sun Transit
第五幕 - 插曲
The long dark tunnel is punctuated by a warm glowing and unusual side room, warm honeyed timber clads a space of forced perspective as the walls taper inwards cosseting a golden kinetic blossoming collection of symmetrical facets, the marble thread is a continuum even here.
The dazzling art work is sat centered in the space, gently opening and closing in hypnotizing movement, this marks the second art work:
“绽放”| 装置2
© Boris Shiu
‘SOLAR BLOOM’ | installation No.2
Is a kinetic art piece that explores the interplay of light and movement through the opening and closing of mirrored surfaces. The mirrored facets are arranged in a radial pattern, resembling the delicate petals of a flower. A slow opening mechanism mimics the blooming of a flower, akin to the sun, symbolizing the eternal and essential cycles and rhythms of life. The mirrors' movement signifies the process of self-discovery, where one gradually reveals different facets of their personality over time.
© Zhenru Zhang - L37 Installation NO.2 - Bloom
At the end of the long, dark tunnel, dramatic framed views of the lake serve as an iconic departure point, inviting you to commence your evening with friends, capturing memorable moments in photographs to commemorate this special occasion—a quintessential symbol of Suzhou. However, there is a surprising element—an object that signifies the third installment in the series of art works.
“分形图腾”| 装置3
‘TOTEMIC FRACTAL’ | installation No.3
It is a 3m tall crystalline totem of imposing proportions, it is a vast lens that distorts the view from the lake transforming it into something otherworldly and beautiful as light is refracted and reflected within its crystalline geometric surfac
第六幕 - 震撼
Past the totem lies the reception where there is a materiality changes from dark to light, concurrently there is a subconscious anticipation building - the corridor slopes upwards, an uneasy unexpected feeling upon entry leaves you elevated and a moment of awe takes over - views upwards into an atrium connect directly with sights and sounds of the Sky Bar - whilst the commanding entry gives views out across the lounge as the floor levels and diversified seating heights tier down towards the lake. Here a waffled and sculptural ceiling angles to accentuate and dramatize the atmosphere. Designed to capture light and enhance shadow the ceiling is a sculpture in and of itself. A thing of beauty.
© Zhenru Zhang
“月移”|装置 4
‘LUNAR DRIFT’ | installation No.4
Is a vast light installation that comprises of over 1150 panels that shift in size and angle as they are positioned along its length. The panel shapes shift from circles to ellipses in reference to the phases of the moon as the irrevocable march of time progresses. A gentle dynamic of light cascades along its length casting light and shadow as it moves. LUNAR DRIFT is the central focus as it makes physical connection between the two floors of SOL37 – a direct link leading visitors up from the dining space to the bar above.
© Zhenru Zhang - L37 Installation NO.4 - Lunar Drift
Cascading from the atrium and from level 38 above is a filigree of animated petals, delicate points of light and polished rails that stretch from high above out along the SOL37 space this the finale of art works, one that dominates the space.
© Zhenru Zhang
第七幕 - SOL37的灵魂
ACT 7 - SOL37's SOUL
The atmosphere permeates the environment, allowing for stolen conversations and intimate focus while maintaining ambient awareness. However, when the band or DJ takes the stage and the beats rise, the focus becomes more pronounced.
Softly pulsating lighting engages guests with artworks and installations, connecting spaces while allowing for differentiation. The mantra is "same same but very different," creating a full sensory experience.
© Zhenru Zhang
广阔的湖景从窗向空中铺开,展示了令人敬畏的景色,但内部的一些“保护区“ – 高靠背沙发和宽松的座位为顾客提供了保护且半私密性的空间,实现了空间的统一性和一定的隔离度。
The expansive outward view overlooking the lake provides awe-inspiring sights, while inward spaces offer pockets of protection. High-backed sofas and loose seating provide a sense of protection and semi-privacy for guests, achieving spatial unity with a touch of separation.
© Boris Shiu - L37 Premium Private Dining
Cosseted spaces encourage convivial meetings, and guests can easily wait for their companions while propping up the bar, striking up conversations with the bar and wait staff. Distractions such as cell phones are unnecessary as the surroundings, staff, and atmosphere enable relaxation and absorption of the vibe.
© Zhenru Zhang
From late afternoon onwards, there is a slow but noticeable shift in tempo, similar to a skilled DJ who can sense the crowd and create a lively atmosphere for five hours. Lighting, tempo, beats, and entertainment all contribute to setting the tone.
A bold spiral staircase sits on a stage for performers, serving as a palpable sculpture that draws the gaze upward, inviting and luring with uplifting energies. This is where the after-dinner party continues.
© Zhenru Zhang
第八幕 - “超越世界”
As the beats lift is time to move up to another world up to L38 where more sophisticated warmth of materiality sets a classy cozy vibe – a lounge bar of atmosphere soul and heart.
© Ian Douglas-Jones
在这里,戏剧性的场景继续展开,就在您对空间的期待达到高点的时候,向外看,一个可开启的玻璃幕墙缓缓展开,视野吸收着来自远方的湖光山色。双层的挑高空间漂浮在湖面以上140米的空中—— 它是大胆的,是一个位于三十八楼的室内外结合的空间。
Here the drama unfolds further just when you thought it couldn’t get any better – double height atriums reach higher punctuating the sky some 140m above the lake. Looking out an expansive operable façade opens to absorb the view out across the water – its bold – an inside yet outside space on the thirty eighth floor.
© Zhenru Zhang
黑暗且轻松舒适的空间,被楼下穿透中庭而延申上来的 “月移”投射出的微光映照着。一颗巨大的镀银金属水滴将视野再次拉回到室内。它为混合酒吧、DJ提供了一个聚焦平台。动态元素使DJ桌在瞬间提升,为这个空间提供了精心策划的声场。请您保持新鲜感,一系列活动在此等待——“天下熙熙,皆为利来“。
Dark yet easy cosseted spaces with glimmers of light from the ‘LUNAR DRIFT’ that penetrates the atrium from the floor below.
An oversized and silvered droplet of metal contains a focal point – mixologist bar and DJ at once, kinetic element elevates the DJ table in a moment of drama providing a platform for curated soundtrack to this sumptuous space. Keeping it fresh is the key. A bill of events to look forward to the Resident DJ curated sounds - worldly, savvy, classy, ECLECTIC.
© Boris Shiu
SOL37美食酒廊 - 火 + 冰是我们的美食风格(小点心和大盘菜以热炭烤或冰镇海鲜吧的形式呈现),创新的鸡尾酒 + 无酒精鸡尾酒,配以各种心情和氛围!吃喝,滋养您的灵魂,同时滋养您的身体 - 创造难忘的情感体验。
SOL37 Gastro lounge - Fire + Ice, our eat and drink style (small bites and Big plates in the form of Hot char Grill or Iced raw bar), innovative cocktails + mocktails, bottles to match every mood and set the tone! Eat, Drink, Feed your soul, as well the body - creating unforgettable Emotional Experiences.
© Boris Shiu
我们的设计、饮品和食品风格密切关联于美学,为食客带来兴奋感,他们将发现自己身处于一个饮食和最重要的娱乐空间中;在这个美食酒廊内,一切都将在任何地点轻松获取,而这个概念是对现代饮食方式的现代重塑 - 没有刀叉。这并不一定意味着有条不紊地上演3-4道菜,而是一种流畅、精准但又轻松的食物服务方式。就像地中海文化中的意大利人会做的“开胃菜”,西班牙人会做的“小吃”或土耳其和希腊人会做的“酒吧菜”…共享风格!
Our Synergy in Design, Beverage + Food style relates heavily to aesthetics, capturing an excitement for the diner who will find him/herself in a drinking, eating and most importantly entertainment space; where everything will be accessible from any point within the Gastro lounge and a concept with modern re-invention of modern styles of eating - NO KNIVES. Not necessarily meaning 3-4 courses of food in an orderly manner, but rather a smooth, sharp, however, relaxed mode of food service. As per Mediterranean culture- the Italians do with Antipasti, Spanish do with Tapas or the Turks and Greeks do with Mezes... Sharing Style!
© Boris Shiu
A downtempo shift brings the evening to a gentle close.The walk out is as important as the journey in. Making memories
the key to customers returns - again and again.
项⽬名称:W HOTEL SOL37
项⽬类型:酒店室内Hospitality Interior
完成年份:2023 年6 ⽉
设计公司:Atelier I-N-D-J
设计团队:Ian Douglas-Jones, Sabrina Douglas-Jones, Yi Yuan, Laura Polvara, Yuan Xiang, Jeffrey Kuo, Luke
Lin, Qi Zheng, Julia Pan, Jessica Chen
项⽬地址:江苏省苏州市星港街与苏惠路交叉⼝苏州中⼼7 号楼苏州W 酒店37,38 楼
37th & 38th Floor, W Hotel Suzhou, Building 7 Suzhou Center, Intersec���on of Xingang Street and
Suhui Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province
⾯积:1100 ㎡