合肥深零设计新作 | 130m²横厅吧台×空间互动,用爱唤醒理想生活范本!
户型 | 130㎡三室两厅
地址 | 合肥-金辉庐州云著
风格 | 现代简约
设计&施工 | 深零设计
01 Living room
曲线艺术 · 赋能生活
Curvilinear art is transformed from natural and smooth imagery, without space limitation. The apricot gray wall and the oil-mixed TV background wall are strictly controlled for every color and every curvature, fixing the mountains and the lakes and seas, and interpreting the tranquil life together.
The contrast of softness and toughness, the combination of pureness and strength, flow freely between inside and outside, and extend naturally.
The western kitchen area in the living room integrates multiple functions of reading, rest, and interaction. In the advantages of the pattern, the beauty of the years is drawn.
02 Kitchen and dining hall
食与空间 · 尽享自在
In the kitchen, life idealized as a healing aroma, coupled with the smog blue tint, will be full of confidence in every step in the future.
Draw the pen with a gentle gesture, laugh and talk about Fengyue under the scorching light and enjoy life in the four o'clock circle.
03 Bedroom
暮色四合 · 尽抒雅韵
The arched door realizes a new aesthetic taste. The London fog and the plaster line of the master bedroom background wall interpret another form of tenderness and romance.
The little fun in the second bedroom, the achievement of heroic dreams in life, and the master bedroom together form an elegant picture. The combination of all the elements gives a sense of space ceremony.
Design has no fixed boundaries. It is like a solid dream and a beautiful heart. Although they belong to different fields, they are perfectly integrated with each other. In time, this wedding room has written a model for the ideal life of the future. Stop here, comfort the heart with beautiful things, and start a journey of experience that belongs only to you and me!