
项目地点:宁波 | 2015-06-25 1130 4

项目名称:    万科惇叙花厅    

坐落地点:    中国宁波    

项目面积:    平方米    

设计公司:    深圳朴悦设计顾问有限公司    

主设计师:    郭子伟、罗娜、彭清文  


设计时间:    2015年    

项目性质:    社区客厅    

摄影公司: 三像摄


戎家宗祠额题“惇叙”,取自虞书《皋陶谟》的“惇叙九族”, 重建惇叙堂的意义在于家人亲友惇厚和顺,相聚叙情。



Rong's use " TunSyria " as the teachings of our forefathers.

Rong’s family clan’s ancestral hall inscribed board "Tun Syria", from Yu book"Gao Yao mo" and "Tun Syria 9 generations," the meaning of reconstructTun Syrian temple is based on family and friends’ honesty, harmony, andhappiness, gathering together and telling feelings.

The traditionalarchitectural style of the Qing Dynasty architecture is used.

Building covers an areaof 136 square meters, bays13.6 m, depth 10 meters;,surrounded by Corridor;

Through the corbels,hangings, moon beam, the sculpture on the door, eaves tiles, suspended fish, andplinth decoration, echoing with Tun Syria culture.

The Qing Dynastyarchitectural style of façade for interior design and soft decoration designstyle is a challenge, there are many struggles in between integration orcountless contrast, through analysis, the project is in the axis position ofthe Ningbo Wanke Jiangdong House estate, the purpose is to rebuild Chinesetraditional culture, consider as a community living room for laterpurpose.  Finally, the hard-mounted partuse Chinese hundred sub-cabinet modern techniques to convert the changes intothe Tun Syrian Temple’s bookcase function, book is the only link between thetraditional and the new society, Therefore, the function of the book andbookcase into Tun Syria Temple’s important feature set. Furniture handle usesof more modern new Asian style furniture, through thechanges of materials and colors, makes the original withdrawn Chinese stylehall  more with Vitality and live, alsocreate and  provide the residents with acommunication space of connotation and living environment.

















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