
项目地点:西班牙 | 2016-08-12 1127 5

In the attic of an emblematic building of classical early 20th century Madrid, this new concept of living space is placed: CERAMIC HOUSE-UNLIMITED SPACE is presented by architect Héctor Ruiz-Velázquez and built out of total freedom of layers. As if the design would be a three-dimensional object, every one of the rooms or points of the home can be located by specifying the axis of coordinates.

  这原本是西班牙马德里建造于20世纪初的一栋古老阁楼,设计师Héctor Ruiz-Velázquez对它进行了大面积的改造,将它变身成一间具有多层次及多隔间的白色住宅。室内装饰大量采用了陶瓷装潢。设计师对楼梯与室内的中间隔层片把握得非常到位,让各功能区域很好被独立开来却又保持连通,整个设计非常灵活多变。


The result is the power to move around in few square meters at different heights, going up and down, offering a new experience of roominess in the context of a home: to explore the space. The transition between the rooms is continuous and lets the movement flow freely across the numerous levels.


The spatial flexibility that transforms this home is an innovative housing concept which adapts itself to the actual necessities and to the new usages. Where roominess, brightness and time flow in a multifunctional space without corners or precedence. It is also about expanding the parameters of interior design as well as the conventional trends of arrangement.


This house was posible thaks to the sponsor by ASCER/ TILE FROM SPAIN (Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Azulejos y Pavimentos Cerámicos – Spanish Association of Tile and Ceramic Flooring Manufacturers) for the creation of a new living concept, where the ceramic receives special treatment which turns it into the indisputable protagonist of the space. The ceramic is a material which offers, due to its versatility of application, multiple possibilities in its planimetry. According to the architect’s objective the ceramic thus transforms itself into an excellent dynamic entity able to offer the luxuriousness of working in three dimensions. “Change and continuation”, “tradition and innovation” simply unfold with a new angle on the use of ceramic material.

Location/localizacion: Casa Decor c/ Velazquez  29 Madrid Spain 

Architect /Arquitecto: Héctor Ruiz-Velázquez MARCH (hector@ruizvelazquez.com)  ( 34-649495432 ) 

Desig team: Ruiz Velazquez Architectura and design  
How many day of construction / Plazo de ejecución (meses): 20 days / días 
m2 / Superficie de actuación (m2): 50m2
client / Promotor (cliente): ASCER  Tile of Spain
construction company / Empresa Constructora: Dogar Decoracion sl 
installation company / Empresas de instalaciones: Dogar Decoracion sl
Photographer / Fotografo: Pedro Martinez (fotoarquitectura.es) 
Flooring /Solados: Ceramic tile from Spain
painting / Pinturas: Valentine 
walls / Acabados: Ceramic Tile from Spain  

Hector Ruiz Velázque


\ HRuiz Velazquez Arquitecto

\ 创始人/CEO

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