
项目地点:成都 | 2018-01-20 327 8

   “白云后面传来的声音, 如诗如梦; 阳光穿过窗户, 如父的手触摸到我,温暖我的全身. ” 

城市越来越光怪陆离, 每天有太多的事物在影响着我们的生命. 有间接的, 有直接的, 让人像一台被连上数据线的电脑, 不同的(不管你是否需要)的信息不断的涌入, 让人生活像在一个被信息压缩的”罐子”里. 然而回到家, 我们是否可以拔掉这些”数据线”,平静下来, 把”光怪陆离”甩在身后, 感受一份平静与温暖.


 “The sounds from the back of the clouds, like poem like dream: sunlight poured through the windows, just like God’s hands touching me, warm me up.”

The city becomes more and more strange, and there are too many things, which influence our daily lives directly and indirectly. They make people look like computers linked with data wires. Different information, no matter if you need or not, is being continuously downloaded. It makes people feel like living in a box where information is compressed. However, when we are home, can we take off the date wires and leave behind the ‘stranges’ to feel the warmness and silence?


所以在这个案例中, 我们尽可能的去掉符号化的(时尚的,潮流的等等), 去掉所谓的设计手法, 尊重建筑本来的面目, 只是去修整不足, 增加生活中所需要的, 把情愫都丢开,因为我们希望所能够影响我们生命情愫的是我们所珍视的人带来的, 而不是”光怪陆离”的物能给我们的.


So in this case, we try every possibility to take away all the symbols (fashion, trendy etc.), not to use so-called design skills, respect the originally natural architecture. Also, we adjust the insufficiency, add the needs of their lives and put away the emotions. Because we expect that the emotions which affect us come from the people we love, not the decorations.


全屋以白色为主调, 辅说原木质感烘托空间, 极尽可能的引入室外光线, 让屋内空间与外界自然建立联系, 以实现”人”与”自然”的相融共行. 以极少的装饰减少人被物的干扰. 直诉建筑结构\功能\室内与室外的关系, 重视把每一个人的需求. 在公共区域, 强调共同共享建立更多交流机会, 而不强调个人, 不以某个人为主体, 让室内的人与人有更多交集.共同去经历生命的成长与绽放.


White is the main tone of the whole house, in which the solid wood is to set the mood. We let the sunlight in as much as possible to build connection between inside and the outside. So that the dream of people and the nature merging together comes true. We are using less decoration to reduce the influence on people’s lives and telling the story about the architectural structure, function and the relationship between inside and outside. The aim is to pay attention to everyone’s needs. In public space, we underline the sharing between each other and make more opportunities for people to communicate, rather than focus on individuals. In this way, we encourage the family going through everything together.




\ 成都以勒室内装饰设计有限公司

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