澳门美狮美高梅 Guo Pei 艺术空间

项目地点:澳门 | 2019-03-06 464 1

一团和气 , 王开方,不锈钢 , 24K 金 , 22.4×15×H8m, 2017, 澳门

∞ Harmony, Wang Kaifang, Stainless Steel with 24K Gold Foil, 22.4×15×H8m, 2017, Macau

《一团和气》是王开方创作的一件有使用功能的、与人互动的 艺术雕塑。



∞ Harmony is a site-specific sculpture created by Wang Kaifang for the MGM Cotai Guo Pei Art Place.

The sculpture, named ∞ Harmony, is the façade, but also the structure and the interior walls. The sculpture with veil shape, made from stainless steel, with the concept of the Eastern philosophy Qi, using pneumatic experiment, 3D printing, and other techniques, to wrap a space that can display various artwork. At the same time, the space itself becomes a contemporary artwork, to express a contemporary view of the  life sciences about universe. 

It is an innovative practice of new art form combining architectural design, interior space, public art, and digital sculpture, making space design more practical, closer to the public, bringing more joyful.

一团和气 , 王开方,不锈钢 , 24K 金 , 22.4×15×H8m, 2017, 澳门

∞ Harmony, Wang Kaifang, Stainless Steel with 24K Gold Foil, 22.4×15×H8m, 2017, Macau

作品由北京王开方艺术设计工作室制作,让濒临失传的中国传统手工锻造借以数字技术手段更好地弘扬和传承。作品精准误差 1 厘米,共计 80 人,100 天,12 万工时,不锈钢 24 吨,2600 片,300 万锤,180 万焊点,88 米周长,耗用 24k 金箔 8 万张。

The work is produced by Wang Kaifang Studio and combines digital art and an endangered Chinese traditional handicraft. The precision error of the work is 1 centimeter. Eighty people spent one hundred days (120,000 hours) and used twenty-four tons of stainless steel (2,600 pieces) and three million hammers in the process. It has 1.8 million solder joints and a perimeter of 88 meters, consuming 80,000 pieces of 24K gold foil.

《一团和气》是王开方携手郭培及 MGM 等各合作团队共同打造的空间作品,凝聚着团队的心血和汗水,寄托着共同的美好愿望。期待这件作品能为文化有所发展和传承,为人类的尊重和信仰,携手汇聚起一团圆融吉祥之气,让“世界和平”更真切地贴近我们的生活。


∞ Harmony is a space work created jointly by Wang Kaifang, Guo Pei and MGM. It is a gift to Macau, as well as to the world, and embodies painstaking efforts from everyone and the common wishes of mankind. We hope that this work can gather an auspicious atmosphere for cultural development and inheritance, for the respect and belief of mankind, and for bringing world peace to our real-life experience.

∞ Harmony embodies Wang Kaifang's expression of art. It is not only the shape of sculpture, but also the symbiosis and co-prosperity of multiple civilizations. It is a most beautiful wish for happiness and harmony.





客户:美高梅 / 郭培


ARTIST: Wang Kaifang



LOCATION: Macau, China

CLIENT: MGM Grand Paradise Ltd / Guo Pei

YEAR: 2017


"The name, ∞ Harmony, is not only the shape of sculpture, but also the symbiosis and co-prosperity of multiple civilizations."



\ 王开方工作室

\ 艺术家、建筑师、设计师

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