梁志天设计师有限公司于 1997 年由梁志天先生创办,总公司设于香港,并于上海、广州、成都及北京设有办公室,总员工超过 400 人。于 2014 年,正式加入江河创建集团股份有限公司 (上海证券交易所股票代码︰601886),以拓展公司业务范畴和项目地域。

公司设计的范畴广泛,包括酒店、餐厅、商铺、商场、办公室、样板房、销售中心、会所,以及家具及产品设计。其杰出作品获得室内设计界多项举足轻重的殊荣,包括Andrew Martin International Interior Design Awards、亚太室内设计大奖、美国的IIDA 国际室内设计年度大奖、酒店设计的Gold Key Awards及Hospitality Design Awards等,超过120项国际和亚太区设计及企业殊荣。
Steve Leung Designers Ltd

Steve Leung Designers Ltd. was established by Mr. Steve Leung in 1997. With over 400 employees in total, the company’s headquarter is in Hong Kong and currently has branches in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Beijing,

The Company works on a wide spectrum of design projects – hotel, restaurant, shop, shopping mall, office, show flat, sales office, clubhouse, as well as furniture and product design. The works have earned Mr. Steve Leung and his team over 120 design and corporate awards in Asia Pacific region and worldwide, including the Andrew Martin International Interior Design Awards, Asia Pacific Property Awards, the Asia Pacific Interior Design awards, Design For Asia Awards, IIDA Annual Interior Design Competition, Gold Key Awards and Hospitality Design Awards.



\ 梁志天设计师有限公司

\ 创办人及董事长

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