Born in 1972 in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, Makoto Yamaguchi started his career as an architect while attending the Tokyo University of the Arts master course. In 2001 when he acquired his Master of Architecture degree, he presented his very first project, and this subsequently attracted extensive media coverage and won several awards. This promising start led to larger projects and more clients, prompting him to establish the Makoto Yamaguchi Design in 2007. As an architect, Yamaguchi has always believed in engaging directly with his clients face to face to discuss each project, as it also helps speed up the decision-making process. His work approach is not only about satisfying client demands; he also takes the initiative to present proposals that anticipate the clients’ specific needs.

He is a member of the following organizations:
The Japan Institute of Architects
Architectural Institute of Japan
Tokyo Society of Architects & Building Engineers Japan
Association of Artists Craftsman & Architects

Makoto Yamaguchi


\ Makoto Yamaguchi Design Inc.

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