ARCHILAND 筑土国际作为国际化设计咨询机构, 先后在新加坡,哥本哈根,北京、天津、南京设立办公室,拥有来自多个国家、有着不同文化及专业背景的近180名的专业技术人员,以智慧永续为核心价值, 在欧洲,亚太地区及大中华区为当地政府和发展商提供从项目研究、城市规划、建筑设计,景观设计及工程咨询等全过程服务。
ARCHILAND International, AI, is an international design and consulting company located in Singapore, Copenhagen, Beijing, Tianjin and Nanjing. AI is currently composed of 180 professionals from multiple countries with different cultural and professional background. Our approach is based on Smart Sustainable Design, and provides one-stop service on project research, urban planning, architectural and landscape design for the government and real estate developers in China and Asia Pacific region.