在每一个项目的开始,我们都会先放开自己建筑师的身份,采取跨界换位的方式 - 以规划师,建筑师,室内设计师的视觉艺术家等角色去思考。这种方法可以让我们从不同的角度和尺度探索设计,并且得到新的见解。如小空间可以体现城市规模的质量,而大型项目也能够自下而上予以考虑。我们相信,人对空间的体验是连续的,因此城市,建筑和室内设计的边界应以新的眼光来重新考虑。跨界换位的思考将探索 最大的可能性来进行测试和发掘隐藏价值,并以人的体验做为我们设计的基础和依据。
Atelier Global is a young and aspiring practice that has strong belief in the power of design and creativity.
We regard architectural design as quintessential to living environment that constantly encounters new and emerging needs. Hence we are not bounded by conventional modernism approach with singularity concern on differentiation of space and function. Rather, we always search for possibilities that may not be easily foreseen, and create projects with new insights by establishing various seemingly unrelated cross links to different projects types, scales and spaces.
Our systematic yet trans-boundary approach on design has been successfully applied to comprehensive project types including culture, education, hospitality, living communities, retail and working spaces. All of our projects are executed with critical attention to details and our completed projects have received renowned recognition from the professional industry.
Atelier Global has received numerous design awards from Hong Kong and Cross-strait professional institutions and actively involved in academic and cultural research including design Biennale and university teaching.

公司网站: http://www.atelier-global.com/

Frankie Lui


\ 香港汇创国际建筑设计有限公司

\ 创始人及设计总监

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