
设计:设计腕儿 | 项目地点:上海 | 类别:腕儿线索 | 2016-06-14 7563 50


---- 聂鲁达的情诗 ( 智利诗人)


Still is a kind of charm. It is transparent after precipitation. It is limpid after meditation. The birth of glass is from a fire of Mesopotamia, from the good quality quartz sand and trona in high temperature melting, experienced the constant innovation and development, art of glass return to the original material and the technology. It presents a bright and clean performance and bright and beautiful color thoroughly. The quiet temperament of the glass art expands extremely high beyond creation and thinking. It extends to a space in which the glass has separated with traditional crafts, discovering and exploring.        


Still is a kind of inclusive. In the hands of artists, glass is never conformist. It could freeze the entire world. Through the layers of light and shadow, we may see the imagination of time and cultural (Sun Liang); the ordinary or interesting life (Wang Yuping); the innocence and spirituality of female(Yu Hong); the gorgeous variety of colors (Rene & Miluse Roubicek); the balance and power of body (Jiri Pacinek); the forms of water (Petr Larva); the original throb of life (Misha Ignis); the power of image and story (Debbi Dawson); the holy of religions (Brain Hirst). All those natural and fantasy scenery, such as trees, sea, fishes, birds, animals, even totems, holy vessels and aliens, enter into the moment of stillness.


In order to pass the quiet strength, we use two kinds of space form throughout the "show" and the "theatre". We try to preserve the quiet feeling of original hall and also keep exuding a soothing deep theater experience by painting the walls (Specially show our grateful to Mr. Jean-Pierre Heim). The dim light and the shadow create such a wonderful mysterious viewing distance between people and scenes. At this moment, every mumbling whisper of each piece of glass is especially enchanting.



575042084289737415.jpg杨依涵 | 策展人、艺术品收藏家和画廊主








 建筑师Jean Pierre HEIM


        Jean-Pierre HEIM and Associates(JPH)成立于1980年,先后承担了多个私人住宅、办公室室内环境、零售店、餐厅、宾馆与商品陈列室的设计。JPH的客户中既有国际公司,也有私人个体,包括Van Cleef & Arpels、Revillon、Baccarat、Christian Lacroix、Lanvin和Club Med。除法兰克福奥芬巴赫的Capitol音乐厅、德累斯顿的卢克索宫、柏林波茨坦的巴伯斯贝格电影制片厂等剧场改造项目外,海姆先生还在构思新的设计概念,即Cinepanorama,包括室外餐厅、沙发电影院和南方气候国家的多种建筑。海姆先生也正在中国上海开发他的海姆设计品牌。在刚刚完成了上海游艇俱乐部的设计之后,海姆先生又开始着手北京游艇俱乐部的设计。






Sun Liang was born in Hangzhou. With unparalleled imagination and superb technique on the canvas painting, he has created a world full of rich color, and singular magnificent. Some people think that his work is a combination of shanhaijing and the bible, in the edge of the dreams and fantasies, presents the aesthetic feeling, this kind of aesthetic feeling, beyond time and space, also across the culture. In the fusion of abstract art, primitive art, and many other styles of Chinese brushwork, Sun liang’s glass art has strong continuation of the artist's style, with distinct characteristics. Loose lines, ridiculous humor, subconscious desire and the occasional flash of fantasy are organic and unified in his glass works.




Wang Yuping was born in 1962, Beijing, professor of National Arts college. He is a very personality artists of the oil painting, his works full of colors, rich of the paintings, exudes a strong sense of appeal. "Fish" is one representative series of Wang Yuping's oil painting, In this series, the artist established his own unique artistic style. In 2011, Wang Yuping started his “Crystal fish” creation, he made the "fish" symbol from the oil painting on canvas transferred to the glass material, the change of material meant that a new attempt was beginning. In constant practice, his understanding of the glass materials was growing up with each passing day, thus further to find a kind of artistic language which can match with the glass material and free to express the inner feelings. The new "Crystal fish" series have more liberal, lively and fun with a unique life of Yuping Wang works. This breath of life is always able to touch the real human nature, and put the surge of tenderness into the hearts of everyone.




Yu Hong was born in 1966 in Shijiazhuang, professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Yu Hong thinks that her life is very simple, her experience is also simple, however, Yu Hong's paintings are extremely unusual, she sketches Academy created the "David" is still considered a classic can not go beyond 20 years. Her sketch which was created in Academy 20 years ago is still considered a classic which can not be surpassed. Yu hong’s painting, from the early portraits series to the later works of silk and gold series and the famous "witnessed growth" has many personal perspective and personal experience. Yu Hong draws daily trivial people with calm and relaxed realist style, exploring the era of social upheaval and the ultimate proposition about life. Yu hong’s glass art is full of feminine unique spiritual and naive, lively forms, spontaneously and intense colors, seems random combined with extrusion, which are showing the unlimited tension from artist’s confidence and the pure unselfish nature.



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Rene Roubicek and Miluse Roubickova are the glass masters of Czech national. Rene Roubicek was born in Prague. He studied glass manufacturing technology with Professor Jaroslav Holeček and Professor Josef Kaplický in Prague arts school when he was young. He worked with multiple Czech national glass enterprise in earlier ages, and then he worked as a free artist. His glass arts run a high worldwide reputation and he has many awards in his lifetime, a large number of works have been collected by national museums and personal organization. He attended the 58th world expo in Brussels and won the prizes. His glass art works have modern shapes and bright colors, the flowing forms bring the vitality and endless power of life, those of them are ingenious and have epoch-making significance.



Jiri Pacinek.JPGJiri Pacinek was born in 1972 in the Czech Republic. He studied blown glass and hand-shaping in apprenticeship center in Nový Bor when he was young, and soon he was considered a superior ability rounder, his talent, glass manufacturing experience and his ambition make him focus on hand-shaping of specific shape artistic glass. As a new generation of Czech glass artists, Jiri regularly participate in important projects in the world of glass and glass art workshop farming in Europe and overseas. Jiri's work has won the Czech national awards many times. His glass art combines with unique physical strength and sculptures way, which present with sophisticated technology, rich details, and create a kind of unmatched balance between color and shape, form a unique personal style.



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Petr Larva was born in theCzech Republic, in the glass art of the nation, Petr is compelling protagonist. Through his Quatroplex patented technology, Dr. Larva who is the original painter and glass maker, redefined the rule of science; he explores previously unknown dimensions in glass production. Amazing color combinations and attractive design is his trademark. Pete's glass art is multifaceted, he not only makes a clear perspective to the perfect cut diamonds shine with appliances, but also creates full of creative imagination glass sculptures like "Alien" series. Those glass works are reflecting the light and shadow of our own, as if it communicates the known and unknown world, creating a universe full of playful fun and imaginative.




Misha was born in 1953 inYugoslavia. In three decades of glass creation, his footsteps throughout the entire world. His glass art innovation project studio includesNetherlands,Serbia,Mexico, and his experimental glass innovation in Dusseldorf,Germanyalso won the world patent. His bowl-shaped glass art needs strong and comprehensive physical skills to be blown, at the same time, the use of minimalist styling and rich colors of light, create a series of primitive life touched, showing a creator of liberation soul. In the mysterious colors, as if we could hear a compliment sound like a religion, so watching Misha's works is a pure spiritual experience, is like each sensory cells, mental or spirit has been simplified and relieved.



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Debbie Dawson was born in Cork. She is the professor of the Contemporary glass department at the Crawford College of Art & Design. Derived from the traditional glass cork paintings and etching of superb technology made her become one of the most important artist ofIreland. Her works have been permanent collected by the National Museum of Ireland. Debbie Dawson was one of those that can not be classified and should not be classified as an artist. Her glass works present a kind of strong visual effect which is most obvious sign of Dawson - that is the power, the power of the story, the power of creation and the power of manifesto. Blue, white, black and mustard yellow through different segmentation in the entire image gives extraordinary experience. Etching away the color of image surface by the acid, it will reveal the following color; the use of these color levels adds a sense of surreal images.

       黛比·道森出生在科克郡,执教于克莱夫(Crawford) 艺术设计学院当代应用艺术系玻璃专业。源自科克传统的玻璃绘画和蚀刻的高超技术使她成为爱尔兰最重要的艺术家之一。她的作品曾被爱尔兰国家博物馆永久收藏。黛比·道森属于那种不能被归类,也不应该被归类的艺术家。她玻璃艺术作品中所呈现出来的那种强烈的视觉效果,是道森最明显的标志,那就是——力量,故事的力量、陈述的力量和创作的力量。蓝色、白色、黑色和芥末黄色经由整体的图像平面和立体的分割,给人以不同凡响的感受。玻璃表面的颜色被酸蚀刻掉后,会显露出下面的颜色,这些色彩层次的运用,增添了图像的超现实感。

The Cold Light of Day Etched & Painted Stained Glass Panel 2013.jpg


Brian Hirst was born in 1956."Pledge Cup series" is the representative work of Hurst. As early as in 1994, he won the international glass art awards of Hokkaido's modern art museum. Hirst's work has been collected permanently by over 30 museums around the world. His work combines organic forms of shapes; carving decorative details; highly textured surface; asymmetric contour and other elements which make people associate the altar holy of the ancient rituals. Those reflect Hirst’s interests of archaeology and anthropology and his cross delving into the history of the world utensils culture. His works have taken blown and cast with complex process and creatively apply copper casting sand in a glass casting. The smooth glass surface shows a strong rough sculpture texture also reflects the artist’s precision and confidence on the using of materials.

       布莱恩・赫斯特1956年出生于澳洲。“祈愿杯系列” 是赫斯特的代表作。早在1994年他便获得了北海道近代美术馆的国际玻璃艺术大奖。赫斯特的作品在世界各地被三十家美术馆永久收藏。他作品中融合了有机形态的器形、装饰性的雕刻细节和高度质感的表面以及非对称的轮廓等要素,使人联想起远古宗教仪式中的神坛圣器,折射出赫斯特对考古学和人类学的浓厚兴趣和他对世界器皿史跨文化的深入钻研。作品采取吹制和铸造并用的复杂工艺,并创造性地将铸铜砂应用在玻璃铸造中,在起伏流畅的玻璃胴体的表面留下粗犷强烈的雕塑质感,体现出赫斯特对材质运用的精准性和内敛的自信。


        如需了解更多关于展览信息请联系:付玉竹(女士)电话:159 2190 7490邮件:fuyuzhu305@163.com


展览时间:2016年6月15日 - 6月26日

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