于强设计荣获2017 London Design Awards金奖和银奖

设计:于强室内设计师事务所 | 项目地点:伦敦 | 类别:腕儿线索 | 2017-11-07 7591 60

        于强室内设计师事务所的商业新作【长安鼎峰悦境营销中心】项目与精品会所【水湾 1979 云端会所】项目在首次参与海外设计奖项 —— 伦敦设计奖(LONDON DESIGN AWARDS)的过程中,从世界各地,据大数据统计 8000 至 10000 件参赛作品中脱颖而出。

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        继成功一同入围伦敦设计奖之后,分别斩获国际商业空间(International Commercial)金奖,与国际休闲会所空间(International Hospitality)银奖。2017年11月23日,伦敦设计奖(LONDON DESIGN AWARDS)颁奖典礼将在伦敦Impact Hub Kings举行。如期,让我们共同见证!


/ 获奖作品 /



 获国际商业空间(International Commercial)金奖


HappyLand Sales Office was conceived by YuQiang & Partners Interior Design recently. based on the realm of contemporary essence, the architect attempted to create a ‘Dream Pavilion’ integrating the inside and outside of this sales office, while releasing the long-slept charming of this thousand-of-year historical downtown: Chang’an.

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【会所】水湾 1979 云端会所

 获国际休闲会所空间(International Hospitality)银奖


 “There is nothing immortal, including art itself; but the only immortality is the understanding to mankind and the world from art.” This is the precise definition of art that Vincent van Gogh spent his whole life to figure out. Water Bay 1979 is located in the core zone of brand-new Shekou of Shenzhen and its sales office 0ccupies the entire 24th level of the property building. After the architect approached the design based on the customer’s demand, exceptional natural landscape sight cast into the interior space was confirmed afterward. ‘Journey On The Cloud’, as the essential start point of intervention, was implemented to build a club that creates an ambient of ‘When shall I reach the top and hold all mountains in a single glance.’

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