于强: 深圳湾1号 • 深湾会二期项目设计

设计:于强室内设计师事务所 | 项目地点:深圳 | 类别:商业空间 | 2017-12-13 12788 101

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 Shenzhen Bay, an easily accessible headquarters in Houhai, brings together industry elites from Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The base is home to business, financial and technological innovation companies. The 15 km-long coastal promenade in the charming bay around stretches across the coastline of the bay area. Bay Hall and Bay Center of Shenzhen Bay Club is situated in the southern area of the One Shenzhen Bay project, which is a supercity landmark complex integrating top-notch flats, headquarters office, legendary Raffles Hotel, customized business and Shenzhen Bay Club.

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On the one side is the beautiful view of rolling distant hills and charming coastline of the bay area, and on the other side stands the vigorous and orderly an easily accessible headquarters in Houhai. In a space where the light sways freely, the light is full of vitality, giving the infinite reverie about freedom. 

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The ceiling, with the folded shape design like the aircraft wing spoiler, brings breath and rhythm to the static space, while eliminating the pressure brought by the slope of the building roof. Creating detailed shades from the folded gap of the ceiling and overlapping with the space, the light will bring warmth and traces to the space in more diverse forms.

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        基于空间天花的机翼折叠造型设计与墙面的选材,可应对上百公里球速撞击 —— 涵盖了更多的功能性场所,如网球场、羽毛球场、乒乓球场等多重运动空间使用的同时,亦可在宴会模式中华丽转身,成为大型活动与宴会的举办场所。灵活自如,为不同的场景需求提供使用空间。

The folded wing design based on the space ceiling and the wall material selection can handle the impact of balls at the speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour - covering the usage in more functional places, such as tennis courts, badminton courts, table tennis courts and other sports space, and can also be turned into a gorgeous venue for large-scale events and banquets. Flexible and easy to use, it provides space for different scenarios.

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The aesthetics, lighting and sustainability of buildings integrating regional culture creates a space for the happy coexistence of nature, culture and modern elements.

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Shape and human elements are integrated in the design of every building, which blends into the neighbourhood and cityscape and as a space itself, interacts sensibly with people.

/ BAY CENTER - 深湾国际交流中心 /


Bay Center provides business people a new office experience and a new way of exchange and interaction.

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An independent office space is designed to offer an open atmosphere and cosy natural light. The space is divided into different parts to promote work communication between teams and create a quiet and pleasant space experience.

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A novel and modern city club space is created to realize flexible, sustainable and multifunctional space layout and achieve a balance between enrichment and restraint and between order and complexity.

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设计公司 | 于强室内设计师事务所

客户 | 深圳市鹏瑞地产开发有限公司

主创设计 | 毛桦

设计团队 | 林晓麟

软装设计 & 产品供货 | 于强设计、沃屋陈设、泡泡艺廊

项目完工 | 2017年5月

项目面积 | 1540 m²

项目地点 | 深圳,中国

项目摄影 | ingallery

主要材料 | 云石、橡木复合地板、地毯、墙纸、古铜砂钢、超白玻

品牌家具 | Hay , Innermost , Tom Dixon

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