GENESIS ROCK是美国CRCM VENTURE公司在中国与当地政府资本打造并运营的风投机构。 接到委托任务后,印象最深的是ROCK,关于稳的状态,属性,态度与精神。
GENESIS ROCK is a venture capital institution established and operated by CRCM VENTURE in the United States and the Chinese government. After receiving the commissioning task, what impressed me most is ROCK, it’s about the state of stability, attributes, attitude and spirit.
Looking for the elements of space; the minimalist space is combined with the original texture, the space is a starting point of the clue made up of several rocks. In here,the rock is a spiritual transmission, a spatial characteristic, a memory point, a strong but real figurative sculptures ,it enhances people's perception of space.
Looking for the story of space; It’s connected by different materials and color boundaries between space that make the ultimate in ritual. The real and virtual game begin between the rock and the glass, and the boundary is blurred and elongated, each space point seems to be passing the lines in some of the script chapters.
平衡,错位,抽象,几何,构成,对比,逻辑,体验,灯光,材料,窥视。 一系列的关键词在解决空间基本委托功能的同时渗入了进来,对于一个办公空间而言,空间的属性一定是多变并且感情丰富的。作为故事的发生地,从行为与心理的基本诉求就足以丰满空间的内容, 对于我们而言,要做的仅仅是将这些点尽可能的悄悄地隐藏起来,不动声色地完成工作。因为对于这些内容,我们更希望让空间的使用者们,在不经意间的发现与感动。他们传递出来的故事才是真实的表现。
Balance, misplacement, abstraction, geometry, composition, contrast, logic, experience, lighting, materials, peeping. A series of keywords infiltrated into the basic entrusting function of space. For an office space, the attributes of space must be changeable and emotional. As the place where the story takes place, the basic demand of behavior and psychology is enough to fill the content of the space. For us, what we have to do is to hide these points as quietly as possible and to finish the work quietly. Because for these contents, we prefer to let the space users discover inadvertently and to be moved. The story they conveyed is the true expression.
The office space and the public space are divided into two halves by the front hall and the exhibition hall. It passes the aesthetic and spatial emotional parts through quiet and concise treatment,as well as using a large amount of original materials . We try to solve the problem in a most basic way. The expression of balance is to explain the nature of people and space, or a relationship between people and space. Hanging and falling are some expressions of balance in aesthetics. The focus and spiritual communication between the space and the material through the artistic device.
As a hint, it smeared a trace of red and blue deliberately in the space, the next color is filled by the story's initiators, we just bring the first hue. The reception area replaced the flat rock LOGO with a three-dimensional sculpture, which was relatively more artistic. The combination of stainless steel and stone makes the space relatively serious and stable. On the contrary, the treatment of the art installation makes the space more dramatic and humorous. This is a balance, which is the core content of the entire space design.
We try to express space by using less element, and we more hope to go deep into the picture that cannot be captured outside the photo through the design and experience process. The spatial narrative technique is one of the directions we have been exploring and experimenting. The introduction of the story line can make a space more vital and existential, and it is unknown. It is also desirable to bring the texture of the space by the most realistic representation of the material itself, such as glass, stainless steel, wood, stone.
Finally, let the space itself introduce itself to the visiting people. This is a wonderful beginning for those who met in the design and landing of this space. The origin of a story starts from the space, I have always been grateful for all this.what a wonderful thing!
项目名称 | Project Name
设计单位 | Design Company
主案设计 | Case Designer
朱啸尘(Eason Zhu) 凌宗生(Alex Lin)
设计团队 | Design Team
柴尔焕(Erhuan Chai) 卢黔兰(Qianlan Lu) 蒋冠航(Guanhang Jiang )
软装单位 |Soft Design
软装团队 |Soft Design Team
陈琳(Evelyn Chan) 江汀(Ting Jiang) 黄鑫杰(Xinjie Huang) 陈杉(Shan Chan)
项目类型 | Project Type
办公空间 | Office space
项目规模 | Project Scale
施工单位 | Construction
杭州艾丽蒙特工程有限公司 Hangzhou Element Engineering Co. Ltd.
陈海建 Derrick.Hj
项目摄影 | Project Photography
施峥(Zheng Shi)
委托方 | Client
项目地址 | Project Address
杭州新加坡科技园(Hangzhou Singapore Science and Technology Park)
完工时间 | Completion Time
撰文 | Writing
朱啸尘(Eason Zhu)