POSAMO 十邑设计:270度山河海交会丨淡水河景酒店式公寓设计

项目地点:台北 | 2017-07-07 351 3


水岸景观已成为当代美学的竞逐目标,许多人对大河独特的晨昏景致有所向往。于是,在淡水河的左岸化身为一只优雅的天鹅,栖息于美丽的河上悠然徜徉, 就成了白天鹅左岸之王写字楼的设计主轴。

Waterside views have become much sought after among contemporary urban elites. Many people yearn for exquisite waterside scenes of dusk and dawn. Therefore, the interior of this building is designed like a graceful swan elegantly perched on the left bank of the Tamsui River. This image has become the main design element for King & River.


染色的铁刀木自然拼贴而成的羽翼,就像天鹅硕大且轻盈的双翼展开,高飞上天,身处其下就像在天鹅羽翼的保护下群聚。 POSAMO 十邑设计为呼应东方谦逊自然的生活之道,沉降的Sunken 设计,坐卧在此,有隐身于地平面之下的安全感,在开阔的场域中,营造稳定且内敛的空间氛围。

Dyed Kassod Trees are spliced into wings, similar to the spread wings of a swan. With the swan taking flight high into the sky, the space beneath the wings is a natural haven. Echoing the Eastern natural way of living, the sunken design allows a seated person to experience the security of being hidden underground. This creates an introverted spatial atmosphere within this open location.

喜欢选择湖面安全地区,弯曲着脖子,随水漂流而眠。大面积的玻璃幕墙使空间更具穿透感,无边无际的水岸风情一览无遗;室内地坪,雪白碧玉与水晶木纹的石材拼出天鹅展翅的简化语汇,随性选用任意搭配的奶油色沙发、单椅,及造型特殊的小桌几,顶楼sky bar就是要带出天鹅在水中游动时悠闲自得的神态。

Swans prefer to sleep in safe areas of the lake whilst floating on flowing water with arched necks. Large glass walls create a transparent spatial atmosphere, enabling an endless view of the waterside. Indoor flooring is composed of stones with white, green, and crystal wood patterns, replicating elements of the swan. Casual arrangements of cream-colored sofa, single chairs, and uniquely styled coffee tables in the sky bar on the top floor all bring out the temperament of the carefree swan in the lake.



A trip to the gym also allows magnificent water views. Walking further into the room, the space gradually decreases, granting a more private space for exercise. The ceiling is composed of neat planes, with vertical lines forming the soft wings of the swan, simple, and filled with the warmth of wooden textures.

项目名称 :台北淡水丨白天鹅左岸之王

设计公司 :POSAMO 十邑设计

设 计 师 :王胜正



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