POSAMO 十邑设计:城市绿洲丨台北机场地铁线酒店式公寓设计

项目地点:台北 | 2017-09-15 451 0


台北冠德鼎捷座落于机场地铁线,是连接世界与首都的枢纽,享有绝佳的便利性;接待大堂墙上的钟,捎来伦敦与纽约的时间,与首都台北同步放映,POSAMO 十邑设计将此打造为跨国际的长廊。

 “Kindom Ding Jie” is located at the airport MRT line which is the hub connecting the world to Taiwan, so people living here enjoy the great convenience. The clocks on the wall in the reception hall show the time of London, New York, and the capital of Taiwan-Taipei. Walking in the hall designed by Posamo team is like being in the international corridor. 



The fruit-like glass drop ornaments on the hall’s ceiling not only represent the bumper harvest but also show the rich creative arts of hall. The tree branch lamp conveys a feeling like leaning against the tree and reading under the moonlight.




The Arctic blue lazurite craft and travelers’ sculptures on the rectangular console table form into a beautiful picture. Using sky blue and earth tone as the base colors on the splash-ink painting and with soft semicircular sofa and round wooden table in the sofa area, it creates an elegant and graceful space.

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任一缕轻烟带领我们进入另一个世外桃源,白天优雅脱俗的Sky Bar ,到了夜晚,古木纹吧台在灯光的设计下,成了披上金属薄纱的LoungeBar,不可端倪的多变空间,与三五好友相聚小酌,惬意生活,品一杯红酒,分享浮云朝露间的小确幸。

A wisp of smoke leads us to another paradise. The Sky Bar is elegant and refined in the daytime, but at night, it becomes Lounge Bar covered with golden silk. Get along with bosom friends to enjoy the leisure life, taste a glass of red wine, and share the little things together in this changeable space.


有最美的图书馆之称的冠德远见图书馆,结合「阅」与「悦」之情。阅读使眼界开阔,如同大面挑高的落地玻璃,是观者的灵魂之窗,将四季更迭和时刻风情尽收眼底,也把阳光引进图书馆的每个角落,呼应莎士比亚经典名言 : 「 生活没有书籍就好像没有阳光。」

The most beautiful library “Vision library” combines “reading” and “joy” together. The transparent French windows make sunshine can enter every corner of library; in addition, they are like viewers’ eyes seeing all the seasons change and magnificent scenery. As Shakespeare’s famous saying goes, “A life without books is like a life without sunlight; wisdom without books is like a wingless bird.”

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The oval light on the ceiling is like the sun “Mother Earth” providing endless warmth. In this amazing Global Views Library designed by POSAMO team, people can fall in love with books, and be immersed in this space full of natural atmosphere.

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推开台北冠德鼎捷远见图书馆的知识大门,漫步至空中森林享受一场芬多精的洗涤,穿越树叶与光影交织的花园,来到无边际的SKY POOL,知识的泉水从水上玻璃盒源源不绝的涌出。风吹水波荡漾;风停镜面水池反射着天光云彩,为一处适合冥想、静心、放松的城市绿洲。

Open the gate of Vision Library, walk in the air forest to enjoy the phytocide, pass through the garden checkered with sunlight and shade, and finally arrive at the boundless SKY POOL. The library is like the crystal box beside the SKYPOOL and the knowledge is like spring water gushing from the crystal box. When the wind blows, the water ripples; when the wind stops, the reflection of sky and clouds can be clearly seen on the mirror-like water surface. “Kindom Ding Jie” is like an oasis in Taipei city; in addition, it is a good place for people to meditate and relax after a busy day.

设计公司 :POSAMO 十邑设计     设  计  师 :King Wang 王胜正



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