【首发】OMA: Prada2016春夏季T台秀场设计

设计:OMA | 项目地点:意大利 | 类别:商业空间 | 2015-07-02 11623 49


  OMA's research arm AMO hung translucent sheets above concrete seating for Italian fashion house Prada's Spring Summer 2016 fashion show.The Prada menswear catwalk presentation, which also featured looks from the pre-spring womenswear collection, took place on Sunday at the Via Fogazzaro show space in Milan.

【首发】OMA: Prada2016春夏季T台秀场设计1

【首发】OMA: Prada2016春夏季T台秀场设计2

  上个星期天在米兰的时尚街Via Fogazzaro,PRADA上演了一场男士新品发布T台秀,本次T台秀同时继承了之前秋季女士系列的样式。荷兰建筑设计公司OMA的研究部门-在米兰2016春夏时装周延续了它一贯的与PRADA合作设计若隐若现的飞机停放基地。

  AMO – the research branch of Dutch architecture firm OMA – continued its longstanding collaboration with Prada to design the Indefinite Hangar installation for the runway set during Milano Moda Uomo, the city's men's fashion week.

AMO- The cavernous room inside the old factory building was transformed by suspending vertical translucent sheets from the ceiling.

【首发】OMA: Prada2016春夏季T台秀场设计3


  The smooth fibreglass and corrugated polycarbonate surfaces were fixed at 90-degree angles to each other, or curved into partial tubes using metal framework."Plastic sheets hang down acting as a virtual mould that defines the catwalk and seating areas, while the concrete ground area acts as the negative of the above scene," said AMO.

【首发】OMA: Prada2016春夏季T台秀场设计4


  The semi-transparent materials diffused and reflected the glow from ceiling-mounted spotlights."The fibreglass and polycarbonate stalactites manipulate the proportions and perspectives of the brutal and industrial space," AMO said. "These alternating levels of views and transparencies introduce the guests to a blurred horizon.”

【首发】OMA: Prada2016春夏季T台秀场设计5


  Elliptical seating areas comprising concentric rows of arc-shaped benches were covered in concrete to match the floor and walls of the existing space.

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