
设计:Kokaistudios | 项目地点: | 类别:腕儿对话 | 2015-11-16 7192 265




 “我们坚信历史建筑对于一座城市的结构乃至灵魂都是十分重要的。在中国到目前为止的13年历程里,我们都在努力践行和推广城市更新的理念、持续推广着对历史建筑的保护。这种保护建立在焕发建筑物活力,使其能和谐融入不断发展的城市环境的基础上, 而不是静止的、博物馆式的。”----Kokaistudios


左:安德烈  右:菲利普

   Kokaistudios ,是一家多元的设计公司,2000年由意大利建筑师FilippoGabbiani和Andrea Destefanis联合创立于威尼斯,10年前将总部迁至上海。30位精选成员各自拥有着不同经历和背景,组成一家多元化、综合性的设计事务所。

rowat_koki_20120313-entrace - 副本.jpg Kokaistudios上海办公室入口

   Kokaistudios完成了超过140项建筑,擅长历史遗产建筑修复及室内设计,其中心思想为“将新的灵魂重新注入历史悠久的建筑”。设计师Filippo Gabbiani对于悠久的历史文化有着发自内心的尊重,同时也受到威尼斯古老艺术实验的启发。其中于2004年进行的外滩18号改造,是他们的成名作。



DW:As a multidisciplinary company, what’s the design philosophy you’ve been insisted on?


Kokaistudios:It is less of philosophy and more of an approach; we approach every new project as an opportunity to create something innovative that meets and exceeds our clients expectations; we conceive of our projects as social products that meet a market demand and we always tell our clients that they are not really our clients; but really their end clients (whether they be diners at a restaurant or students in a classroom or shoppers at K11) are who we are designing for. This approach allows us to be active in so many varied fields of design and it also means that we are very selective about the types of projects we accept to take on. We aim to break pre-conceived rules to develop true innovation. 

  与其说是理念,不如说是方法或途径。面临每一个新项目时, 我们都将其看成是既能符合甚至超过客户期望值,又能有所创新的机会。我们在构思项目的时候就将其看成是符合市场需求的社会化产品。我们常常提醒我们的客户,真正的客户是使用这些空间的终端用户(例如就餐者、学生、光临K11的人们等),他们才是真正使用这些空间的人。这种方法使得我们能积极面对不同的设计领域,也同时意味着对于项目具有一定的选择性。我们的目标是打破思维定势,发展真正的创新。



DW:Kokaistudios was founded in Venice in 2000, and moved to China 13 years ago. What made you decide to move? 


Kokaistudios:In 2002 Kokaistudios was invited to Shanghai to lead the restoration and renovation of one of the main landmarks of the city, Bund 18, and we determined at that time that the only way to develop the project at quality levels expected by the developer was to move to Shanghai full time. After 18 months spent working full time on Bund 18 we decided to make Shanghai our headquarters and home as we felt there was a need for a design firm with our approach and our skills. It was a fortuitous decision as we have had incredible opportunities in China and from here we are now working on projects around the world. 





DW:Kokaistudios is specialized in heritage restoration and renovation, for example the famous Bund 18. Could you tell us what made this project so special? And please share with us some of your insights on historical buildings?


Kokaistudios:Heritage restoration and renovation are one of our core areas of activity together with the development of new-build architectural projects as well as our expanding portfolio of urban regeneration projects involving buildings built within the last 20 years. 

The Bund 18 project was a unique experience in our career and a true embodiment of our design approach; we helped the developer chose the building; create the brand, develop the commercial plan and find tenants; we developed the complete architectural, interior design and visual identity of the entire project. This masterpiece of the neo classical architecture from the 1920’s had essentially been abandoned since the 1980’s when the last tenant moved out and it’s re-development was one of the first on the Bund and a symbol of the city’s re-birth to the point that the project was recognized by UNESCO with its highest architectural award; the first time a commercial building in Asia received such an award. We believe that historical buildings are important for the urban fabric and soul of cities and we have worked for the past 13 years in China to promote their protection and intelligent integration into the urban renewal of cities. Another one of our projects; 796 Huaihailu; has also received an award from UNESCO and we continue to promote the protection and valorization of the historical heritage of cities; not as static museum pieces; but rather as alive entities capable to convert themselves into critical elements of the city environment. 

  遗产项目的修复和改造是我们的核心业务之一, 此外还有新建建筑, 以及改造那些建成时间在20年以内的城市更新项目。在我们的设计生涯中,外滩18号项目是一个独特的例子,也是我们设计方法论的典型代表。我们协助开发商选择了这幢大楼和创造这个品牌,并与开发商一道发展商业计划和寻找适合的租户。我们做了完整的建筑、室内和视觉系统的设计。这栋建于上世纪20年代的新古典主义风格的杰作在80年代最后一个租户搬走之后几乎处于荒废的状态。而她则是外滩建筑群最早被修复和开发的大楼并在之后获得了联合国教科文组织颁发的大奖,这是商业建筑在亚洲首次获此殊荣。我们坚信历史建筑对于一座城市的结构乃至灵魂都是十分重要的。在中国到目前为止的13年历程里, 我们都在努力践行和推广城市更新的理念。 Kokaistudios 的另一个项目:淮海路796号,也获得了联合国教科文组织的荣誉。我们持续推广着对历史建筑的保护。这种保护建立在焕发建筑物活力,使其能和谐融入不断发展的城市环境的基础上, 而不是静止的、博物馆式的。 

 位于外滩18号6楼的Mr&Mrs Bund餐厅

DW:Kokaistudios completed the re-design of Mr & Mrs Bund this year. This project is very well received on DesignWire. Could you share some behind-scene stories of this project?

外滩18号中的Mr & Mrs Bund餐厅设计,在DesignWire设计腕儿平台首发受凡响热烈,能否请您分享一下这个项目背后的故事?

Kokaistudios:Working together with Chef Paul Pairet and the VOL team for the re-design of Mr & Mrs.Bund, one of Shanghai’s truly great dining destinations beloved by many (ourselves included) was a great experience. The previous venue had taken over a space and had not fully represented the innovative vision of democratic cuisine the Chef Pairet had for his restaurant a chance to work with him and his team to bring that vision to life. The challenges of developing such a high profile and innovative project in a difficult location on a very tight timeline (4 months including Chinese New Years) including the full reconfiguration of the customer area and the creation of a complicated and tailor-made kitchen were not small but we met the challenges and we were able to create a space that met Chef Pairet’s vision and the restaurant is now reaching new national and international fame.   

  与主厨Paul Pairet、贸御集团为Mr&Mrs Bund这样的广受好评的上海顶级餐厅(包括我们在内也是餐厅的粉丝)的重新设计而一道工作是很棒的经历。之前的空间没有完全诠释出主厨Paul Pairet创新的餐饮理念。这次终于有机会和他合作并把他全新的愿景用设计表达出来。在如此短的时间里(包括春节假期在内的4个月), 在如此特殊的地点,完成如此高端的项目(这本身就是挑战)面临着很多挑战。包括就餐区域的全盘重新配置,复杂的定制厨房等。但最终我们达到了客户的期望并给公司带来了国际水平的声望。

 香港Porterhouse by Laris 餐厅

DW:How do Kokaistudios blend local cultures into your design?


Kokaistudios:To start with we are a very open, multi-cultural company and within our 40 person team we have 9 different nationalities many of whom bring to the company very different backgrounds and areas of expertise. United by an innate curiosity and passion for design we combine the multi-disciplinary skillset with our multi-cultural backgrounds to approach projects with an open mind.Our design philosophy can be resumed in a cultural and technical approach of complete adaptation to the social cultural and environmental context in which we create the project; we strive to create projects that resonate with the people whom they were designed for. Culture is not incorporated on a superficial pastiche sense but rather at a deeper more meaningful level. Proof of the validity of this approach can be seen in the sheer range of projects that we design; for example for restaurants we currently we have a 2 Japanese restaurants, 1 Italian restaurant, and a burger chain under design and have recently finished a French world top level restaurant and a innovative take on a steakhouse – all with different styles and located in 3 different countries. Our clients trust us to make real outstanding projects that work for their specific markets.  

  首先Kokaistudios是一个开放的、多元文化融合的公司。我们的40名成员来自9个不同的国家。他们带来各自不同的文化背景和设计专长。设计师们与生俱来的对于设计的好奇心、激情和各专业的技能与公司的多元文化背景融合后使得我们面对项目时能有非常开放的思维。我们的设计哲学可以被看成是以文化上和技术上的双重手法同时对处于社会和文化环境中项目进行因地制宜的处理。我们全力以赴的设计希望设计作品能与它的使用者产生共鸣。风格并不是通过浮在表面的模仿与复制体现出来的,它具有更深刻的涵义。 我们用众多不同的项目证明了这一点。仅以最近正在设计的餐厅为例:两个日本餐厅, 一个意大利餐厅, 一个连锁汉堡店以及刚完成的世界级的法式餐厅以及一个极富创新性的牛排餐厅。它们的风格都不相同而且横跨了数个国家。客户相信我们能设计出达到他们的高要求并符合市场层级需求的优秀项目。

 Bar Rouge 夜景

DW:What’s the future strategy of Kokaistudios?  


Kokaistudios:Kokaistudios strategy for the future is to continue to focus on developing interesting, innovative, and high quality projects for high quality clients on a global basis integrating as much as possible different design components of architecture interior design and branding. We firmly believe that our current size, 40 people, is a competitive advantage as we have the power to do larger scale projects but the control and focus to ensure that they are well executed and we do not intend to grow. The key to our growth and current success is the incredible team of people we have working here and we will continue to grow the professionality of our team by ensuring that they continue working on innovative and outstanding projects. 



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