【首发】Kokaistudios打造兰桂坊Ciao Chow意大利餐厅

设计:Kokaistudios | 项目地点:香港 | 类别:餐饮空间 | 2016-07-11 10503 89

【首发】Kokaistudios打造兰桂坊Ciao Chow意大利餐厅-01

Kokaistudios has completed the interior design of Ciao Chow, an innovative Italian Cafeteria in Lan Kwai Fong Group’s California Tower in Central, a destination quickly becoming Hong Kong’s hottest dining hub. The restaurant is Kokaistudios’ latest project in the city as they continue to spread their footprint with bespoke and iconic hospitality designs in Asia.          

        Kokaistudios最近完成了Ciao Chow餐厅的室内设计。它是一个位于兰桂坊加州大厦的意大利餐厅,很快成为香港热门餐饮目的地。Kokaistudios持续在亚洲以定制式的室内设计传播自身的设计理念。

The Bite Group, a leading Hong Kong F&B Group, approached Kokaistudios based on the recommedation of the Lan Kwai Fung Group and chose to work with us due to our experience of designing top F&B locations across China; our Italian background and our collaborative approach to develop new dining concepts.   


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【首发】Kokaistudios打造兰桂坊Ciao Chow意大利餐厅-03

Kokaistudios decided on making the 2 large copper and brick pizza ovens; key elements in making Ciao Chow the only “Verace Pizza Napoletana” certified restaurant in Hong Kong        

        Kokaistudios决定设置两个大型铜砖披萨烤箱,使Ciao Chow成为香港唯一一个获得“Verace PizzaNapoletana”认证的餐厅。

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【首发】Kokaistudios打造兰桂坊Ciao Chow意大利餐厅-05

the core of the project and they formed the starting point for the system of industrial style copper lighting display system that extends throughout the restaurant and finishes in the large light installation at the entrance.        


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【首发】Kokaistudios打造兰桂坊Ciao Chow意大利餐厅-07

The industrial metal materials and terrazzo flooring that extends up the walls contrast with the softer more precious materials including the white marble chef’s working stations and the leather backed banquette style seating systems designed specifically to encourage a food concept that emphasizes sharing dishes that is both typical of the Italian cuisine and perfectly adapted to Hong Kong’s food culture.        


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The extensive bar; featuring 25 taps of draft beers and an Italian cocktail menu curated by Master Mixologist, Douglas Williams; is located close to the restaurant’s entrance which is composed of a series of sliding doors that are largely left completely open thus creating a welcoming alfresco drinking and dining experience in one of the busiest corners of the city. Ciao Chow  has grown into one of the top restaurants in Lan Kwai Fung and stands as another successful example of Kokaistudios flexible design approach and focus on creating destinations tailor made to our client’s needs.       

        宴会风格的座椅摆放方式鼓励了食物的分享,是意餐与香港餐饮文化融合的表现, Ciao Chow已经迅速成为香港最受欢迎的餐厅之一,也是Kokaistudios又一定制化服务的典范。

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【首发】Kokaistudios打造兰桂坊Ciao Chow意大利餐厅-12


项目名: Ciao Chow

客户: Bite集团

地点: 香港中环加利福尼亚大厦

面积: 350 平方米

室内设计团队 Kokaistudios

设计责任人: Andrea Destefanis, Filippo Gabbiani

设计经理 : Kasia Gorecka

设计团队: 刘永泰,付炼中

灯光设计 Kokaistudios

摄影师 Ella Lai

受邀设计时间 2015年4月

完工时间 2015年12月


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